View Full Version : Ohio Musky Show Reports?

Red Childress
03-01-2010, 12:43 PM
Well, let's hear about it. Any 'must have' baits for 2010?

03-01-2010, 01:01 PM
I thought this year show was great, i really liked to new location. Alot of vendors seemed bigger this year. I went in telling myself "i have all i need, i am just hear to kick tires" Well ya that went out the window when i hit the Kurt Island booth. It wasnt that they had baits that other had but it was the fact all were custom painted, and they were really good paint jobs also. So i spent a large amount on hellhounds, crane baits, and mantas. Then i hit the the shack attack booth, he had alot of nice show colors so i picked a bunch up. Muskyshop had the most stuff like always but no real deals i did get a few castiac swimbaits from them. Red october tubes got a little bit of my money. So i i spent a little more than i wanted but (like every bait i buy) i am stoked to get out and use them.

I will say this again because i was blown away, check out Kurt Island sports websight and check out there custom paint baits. Little more money per bait but they look great.

Larry Jones
03-01-2010, 08:29 PM
I got caught up buying a few of the New Hellhound 7" baits!

Capt. Larry

03-02-2010, 08:42 AM
I also had a great time at the show. I basically listened to seminars all day Saturday-really a nice lineup of speakers. I did come home with a bunch of stuff including a few 8" tuff shads, bulldawgs, and medussas.

I left my house at 4:15 Saturday am to make the first seminar and lost a 3 day fishing trip down at Tony Grant's place on a coin flip. Took me awhile to get over that one.

Red Childress
03-02-2010, 02:11 PM
So, what is the full story of the 'coin flip trip'?

03-02-2010, 04:00 PM
Since you asked...

Walked into the first Seminar, Tony Grant's, and Ross Wagner walked in to introduce him. He asked how far everyone drove in that morning. Not really many people around, I said just about 4.5 hours. Another guy said about 4 hours as well. Then he said heads or tails and the guy called correctly. I had no idea it was to win a stay at Tony's place.