View Full Version : Hunt for Big Fish....Interesting Episode

Red Childress
03-01-2010, 01:23 PM
I was watching Dahlberg again last nite and he had an underwater microphone beside his boat recording sounds made by different baits.

Did you know that a single-bladed #10 Colorado makes more noise than a Double-10? I would not have believed it either until I heard it for myself. Both had very different sounds with the SC (single Colorado) having more of a deep, clacking sound and the DC sounded like a distorted boat prop and was pitched much higher.

I was also amazed at how loud all the hard baits (cranks/glides/jerks) were and how incredibly loud a boat motor sounds from 75 yards away. There is absolutely no doubt that a fish will hear your bait (unless live baiting) well before she ever sees it.

That episode was a real eye-opener to say the least.