View Full Version : How is the ice and the launches holding up

03-07-2010, 01:34 PM
I havent had a chance to get out lately just curious how the kipling launch and the pressure cracks you drive around are doing? The reason I ask is I can either take it off today or next friday... and all this week is goin to be in the 40's+.

03-07-2010, 06:03 PM
I'm afraid we'll have some decent ice left , but no way to get on and off.
I just came from Kipling and pulled my shack off with no problem. The landings are starting to get beat up though. I imagine the yellow gate and Rapid landings are probably pretty damn muddy and aint gonna get any better if it stays warm. If it stays warm , by the end of the week the Kipling launch will be gargage. This is also prime time for holes to start opening up and tires dropping in so be careful out there boys and girls!!! Slammer

03-07-2010, 11:14 PM
Just to add to the comments:

I went on at Days River this morning and it was frozen solid, the mud that is, and was very rough. When I drove off tonight, it was pretty greasy and there are a lot of holes broken thru the shallow ice away from the mud out into the lake. Just the kind of stuff you drop a tire in and get stuck. My guess is with the warm weather for the rest of the week...nobody's going to be going on or off there with a pick-up.

Wally Eye (aka Sassa Frass)

03-09-2010, 03:42 PM
Whats the ice updates, Im gonna be up friday sat & sun. Should I haul my gear up or is it gonna be too late? I wanted to go out of Kipling if at all possible.

03-09-2010, 03:56 PM
You can go down a couple of post's and read what I wrote this AM. I am not going to retype the whole thing. Kipling launch is all rutted up and the heaves are very bad.

Capt. Steve is OUT

03-09-2010, 04:07 PM
Thanks crawlerman, I hadnt read it, but that tells me to leave it home. Come on steelhead!

03-09-2010, 04:11 PM
Crawlerman posted this today on the Lake-Link site. Sounds like it's not going to be too good for the weekend.

This is just a WARNING to all. Today I have seen 1 truck pulled out up by the head of the bay. There is 2 trucks in by the crack just north of the first yellow gate and I saw a 4 wheeler in the drink out from the Kipling boat launch. PLEASE be very careful if you go out there the ice is starting to turn black on top and I heard from a buddy that the surface temps had warmed up by 3 degrees between Sun. and Mon. so she is eating from both directions. He also came off in his truck this AM and hit a spot that he said his front tires dropped in pretty far, but was able to get out on his own. He said that this spot was approx. 3/4 of a mile out from the first yellow gate. I hope that the people that have campers out on the ice on the east shore have a way to get them off. I know that there are 2 campers that no one has been around for at least 3 to 4 weeks, so if they belong to someone reading this or if you know who they belong to you might want to get a hold of them and let them know how the ice is. With the rain coming we my be able to have boats out there the last weekend.

Be safe

Capt. Steve is OUT

Capt. Stephen Poehlein
Crawlerman Charters, LLC