View Full Version : Great Lakes Fishing

03-09-2010, 09:02 AM
There is something in the works of the Obama administration to get rid of ALL fishing in the Great Lakes. Please read this link and contact your representatives to have your say.

03-09-2010, 09:21 AM
Now there's an eye opener! Comes as a suprise to me.. have I been living in a box? or are others as taken back by this info??

03-09-2010, 10:25 AM
Here is the original:

Benzie Rover
03-09-2010, 11:44 AM
Read the document for yourself and draw your own conclusions... Or, simply listen to a fear-mongering outdoor writer and let him whip you into hysteria solely for his own agenda...

Can you find one mention of sport fishing or angling anywhere in the document? Mr. Montgomery admits as much in his article, but he's so adamant about his conspiracy theory of environmental groups = anti sportfishing that he does not let the facts deter him. Every reference to 'overfishing' in the document that I read is in reference to commercial over fishing, which is a serious problem for several fish stocks in our oceans, not the great lakes. The basis of the document is to shift toward scientifically based management, which is actually good news for anglers.

03-09-2010, 01:00 PM
I gree that you should always weigh the material and look at all sides..that being said..
Do you see the Date on that PDF.. that was last fall.. that means that is what they intend to do with there studies and steering committees and groups and info gathering.. "incidently can you imagine what it cost to write that document?"

the article on ESPN is keeping us vigilant to the groups that will do their best to use this as an opportunity to do what they have been trying to do for years.

As for the mentioning of overfishing.. Page 11 does mention overfishing and does not nclude the word commercial at all. It also specifically mentions "Overfishing in the Great Lakes".

"Along many areas of our coasts and within the Great Lakes, biological diversity is in decline due to overfishing, introduction of invasive species, and loss and degradation of essential habitats from coastal development and associated human activities. ... Unsustainable fishing (e.g., overfishing) remains a serious concern with consequences for marine ecosystems and human communities."

Call it fear mongering if you wish, I call it vigilance.. and we can bury our heads and say it will never happen.. or wait till we dont have the right to voice our opinion.. oh wait.. they already stopped public comment didnt they?

I do believe we need to stay on top of this info and we should be allowed continued input.

03-09-2010, 06:31 PM
Rudy G you posted,"Call it fear mongering if you wish, I call it vigilance.. and we can bury our heads and say it will never happen.. or wait till we dont have the right to voice our opinion.. oh wait.. they already stopped public comment didnt they?

I do believe we need to stay on top of this info and we should be allowed continued input.
That is why I posted. I think we all should stay informed as this administration wants to get their hands in everything. And yes, recreational fishing is mentioned throughout the original concept of the study.

I will try to stay on this and report any new update.