View Full Version : 3/6-3/9

03-09-2010, 09:06 PM
Our 4 man group just got back from our yearly excursion to LBDN. The weather was awesome, people great, and "fishing" fantastic. The catching was ok too.
We started out off Stonington Saturday morning, catching 0 wallys, seeing very few fish that looked like walleyes.
We decided to try off of Gladstone that evening and ended up out on the flats, South of the marina. We saw 0, and caught 0 wallys Saturday night.
Getting a little frustrated at this point we decided to try the Esky river Sunday morning. We managed 1 decent 20 inch male there in the morning.
Since some of us in our group like beating our heads against the wall, trying to guess when the fish will show up in our spots, we went back off Stonington Sunday night. This move "netted" us 1 16 incher.
By this time we were pretty tired of boreing around the bay and decided to go where we've seen the most fish on the graphs and spend the day- the river. We got set up just before dayligh Monday and had a nice flurry, with one of our guys landing 3 males btween 17 and 25 inches and then IT happened. One of our guys hasn't landed a walleye in the 3 years he's made the trip with us. His flag went up and it was his turn. After about 6 hard runs and lots of tense gasps, he landed a 30 incher. Needless to say, he still is wearing the grin.
The night bite lasted a short 1 hr. span as well and we ended up with 4 Monday night, all males in the keeper range.
Tuesday morning went about the same as Monday morning except the big girls ruled. We landed 5 fish, 2 males and 3 females (released).

We had a great time exploring, as usual.
The Vagabond is a great place to stay if you get a chance to stay there.

The ice was getting a little soft off the Terrace at nights.

Be safe, good luck,

Hey Chris, I'll try to get a picture of the big gal to post.