View Full Version : Great lakes fishing bill

03-10-2010, 10:35 AM
go to wjr.com asap, doing a interview on the Great lake fishing bill.

03-10-2010, 12:22 PM
I listened to the interview Frank Beckmann (WJR Detroit) had and it sounds like a real problem. Obama can sign it into action by the end of the month, if passed it will be by Executive order and the States will have no say. The politician in the interview said to call your Rep, Congressman or the Whitehouse and that it already is causing big problems for fisherman in California. It sounds like most of Obama’s cabinet is affiliated with Greenpeace, the Sierra club and others, and are trying to block access to rivers and lakes.

I'm just telling you what i heard, not trying to be a fear monger or anything. I hope its BS also, but didnt sound like it to me.

03-10-2010, 12:36 PM
Come November the voters need to deliver a wake up call to the goverment. Time to put some grown-ups in charge.

03-10-2010, 01:28 PM
I hope that a "November Message" by us voters will do the trick! I know calling doesn't phase anyone I have talked to. I went on a mission after Obama was elected and started to unveil all of his wonderful ideas, calling Stupak, Stabenow, Levin. None of these people are afraid of us, at least on the phone. I would make specific statements about specific subjects, and they would reply with form letters full of talking points, and not one mention of any of the particulars I brought up. I wish we could not only vote them out of office, but take their pensions and lifetime healthcare, which WE pay for. That is why they don't care, the day they're sworn in, they have a fat pension and better healthcare, for life, than 99% of US will ever have, not to mention the fat pockets they leave D.C. with from the graft and corruption that a vast majority of them are involved in. I work for the USDA, and I'm not allowed to accept a hat from a contractor, and these scuzzes get trips, donations, gifts. I say vote out every single incumbent this fall, regardless of whether or not we agree with them. If they ALL were sent packing, MAYBE, just maybe, one or two of them would get the picture!!??

Dull Hooks
03-10-2010, 02:39 PM
yup, here is a link to an ESPN article on it:


It is darn scarey to think BO can make law by himself. Did someone elect a king?

03-10-2010, 05:47 PM
Soylent Green is fish.