View Full Version : Netting Decision

03-10-2010, 12:37 PM
Well most of us are not happy with Judge Davis decision on the illegal gill netters. Yes tension is high and it has caused a lot of us heart burn, but.
Now it is up to us to use our powers to contact the powers to be. To help the DNR in their decision to pursue other options against these individuals. We as Sportsman and women and area Businesses can in a united front go to our phones and call our Politicians. Remember the squeaky wheel gets the grease. These individuals have good jobs as union laborers and made a lot of $$$$$$$ in cash with out reporting it to the IRS in the sale of our resources. We need to let our Politicians know that we need their help in helping the DNR pursuing this. I made my calls Now it is up to the rest of you to take the time. Our economy businesses and sport fishery will depend on it in the future.
Pass this post on to everyone you can. I encourage calls from out of State

Attorney General Ph. (517) 373- 1110 Lansing office

Gov. Grandholm Ph. (906) 228-2850 Marquette office

Senator Levin Ph (906) 789-0052 Escanaba office

Congressman Stupak Ph. (906) 786-4504 Escanaba office

State Senator Prusi Ph. (866) 305- 2038 Toll Free

Representative Nerat Ph. (866) 779- 1108 Toll Free

We all need to come together as one and engage our selves to make a difference!!

07-29-2010, 07:57 PM
Lest We Forget

Well worth reminding Well worth reacting

Worth Re-posting!

Make those calls! Call those running in November what their opinion is on this matter and what will they do different if elected.

my additional 2 cents worth.

Well most of us are not happy with Judge Davis decision on the illegal gill netters. Yes tension is high and it has caused a lot of us heart burn, but.
Now it is up to us to use our powers to contact the powers to be. To help the DNR in their decision to pursue other options against these individuals. We as Sportsman and women and area Businesses can in a united front go to our phones and call our Politicians. Remember the squeaky wheel gets the grease. These individuals have good jobs as union laborers and made a lot of $$$$$$$ in cash with out reporting it to the IRS in the sale of our resources. We need to let our Politicians know that we need their help in helping the DNR pursuing this. I made my calls Now it is up to the rest of you to take the time. Our economy businesses and sport fishery will depend on it in the future.
Pass this post on to everyone you can. I encourage calls from out of State

Attorney General Ph. (517) 373- 1110 Lansing office

Gov. Grandholm Ph. (906) 228-2850 Marquette office

Senator Levin Ph (906) 789-0052 Escanaba office

Congressman Stupak Ph. (906) 786-4504 Escanaba office

State Senator Prusi Ph. (866) 305- 2038 Toll Free

Representative Nerat Ph. (866) 779- 1108 Toll Free

We all need to come together as one and engage our selves to make a difference!!

07-30-2010, 12:38 AM
Can you please tell me what the decision was?? I have been looking all over and can't find anything on the trial yet. Thank you.

Mike P
07-30-2010, 09:46 AM
I'm a bit puzzled also . Just what decision are you talking about / What exactly was the decision I understood the tribal court delayed more hearings till Aug. 13. Obviously they don't want to "rush" things.

Also just who are the guys they have in court , what are their names and where do they live? Are they from the area ?

Oh, and one other thing. What is happening to the guys who bought the stolen ,illegal fish and profited also from selling stolen , illegal fish. How come nobody seems to know any of the particulars? I always thought if you acted as a fence for stolen property that there was a result of selling stolen, illegal fish, isn't there?

Perhaps someone of authority could answer these questions as I'm sure I'm not the only one who would like to know.

The Bait Shop Guy
07-30-2010, 10:45 AM
Check the date of Mark's original post. I believe the decision back in March was by a federal court judge to send the case back to Michigan to be tried in the tribal court system.