View Full Version : Federal Plan for U.S. Waters Will Not End Recreational Fishing, Officials Say

03-11-2010, 10:38 AM
I'm sorry to say it but I don't trust anything this administration says or does.

Read the story and sign the petition.



Brad K.
03-15-2010, 10:33 AM
On March 10th., Mark Whittington wrote a GREAT article in the Washington Post about this subject. On March 11th...longtime Feild & Stream writer Frank
Miniter wrote another very enlightning ariticle. I don't know how to post the links. Preservationist & anti-resourse-management groups such as "Defenders of Wildlife", "The World Wildlife Fund" & "Greenpeace"...these are groups that don't think humans have a right to catch fish or kill deer. These groups collaborated on a document entitled "Transition Green" published in late 2008. This group acts as if commercial fisherman like off shore long-liners on the ocean are the same as a guy who carries his tackle box to a inland lakeshore. Groups like the "Sierra Club" & "World Wildlife Fund" have been trying to create "no fishing zones". Using the 1906 Antiquities Act...the Predident has documented 14 different lands desinating them as monuments. In Europe..attorney Antoine F. Goetcshel recently made headlines by defending a northern pike. Goetcshel argued that the angler hooked & played the fish for ten line-stetching minutes & was guilty therefore of animal cruelty. To add insult to injury;;;the fisherman ate his catch. Ultimatly the judge didn't buy the attorneys argument...but funny as this may seem...it illustrates the common preservationist belief that fishing is a illegitamate pastime. With the "Green" ideology...this task force seems poised to proove the Obama administaration is all to willing to turn there convictions into national policy.

Nick Kanauz
03-18-2010, 11:17 PM
I hope all of those folks are vegetarians....

03-28-2010, 09:24 AM
I think we should all start wearing T-Shirts that say Do you know how many vegetables had to die to make your salad?