View Full Version : Genes Pond last Saturday

03-11-2010, 02:05 PM
Here is a picture of my 4 grandkids and the nice mess of bluegills they caught last Saturday up at Genes Pond.

03-11-2010, 02:22 PM
Here is a picture of my 4 grandkids and the nice mess of bluegills they caught last Saturday up at Genes Pond.

Nice job to your grandkids and to you as well for supplying them with memories they will have for a lifetime... Someday they will be taking thier own kids out there and teaching them what Grandpa taught them.

I know I love teaching my kids what my grandpa taught me especially spitting on my poles for good luck they think im nuts but I do it every time I fish a little piece of my Grandpa that will be with me on every trip.

Keep up the good grandparenting