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03-13-2010, 11:35 AM
Well, I read in the paper that some wrecking service pulled nine vehicles out of the lake this past week. With that said, I think it is safe to say that I am done for the season. I don’t want to end up in the paper next week! I just thought that I would take the time to post one final report for the season.

I know that I have complained a lot about this being a frustrating season, and it was. For a good chunk of the season I couldn’t fish in my number one or my number two spots because of all of the congestion in the upper bay from the lack of ice this year. In other words, my spots in the upper bay were all full because there wasn’t enough ice for people to fish the outer bay for much of the season.

On top of that, the lack of ice also took its toll on me as I was counting on being able to take a pickup truck out there so that I could sneak out on the week days during the narrow time period after my classes. However, I had to use a sled for most of the season which was just too much messing around for fishing after class.

Although it was a frustrating season, when I look back on it, it really was a pretty successful season. I ended up with 67 keeper walleyes, and a few nice ones in there too. I didn’t get any monsters like I was hoping, but I did get three different fish that went over eight pounds. I also caught a lot of fish in that 23-27 inch range, which are also very fun to catch.

I pretty much fished in the upper bay. I have never done very well fishing south of Gladstone, with the exception of the Esky river mouth which always has big fish near it. I always fished on either the mud flats, or one of the few different pieces of structure that I fish. As one would expect, most of the eaters came from the structure, most of the bigger fish came from the mud flats.

I ended up catching nearly all of my fish on #9 rapalas in bright colors, and always with no bait. On the structure, I fished them 18 inches to 3 feet off the bottom. On the mud flats, I fished them anywhere from 18 inches to 12 feet off the bottom – whatever depth the fish were at. And I always rip them really hard.

I never caught a single walleye on a tip-up.:mad: I just don’t know how people do it. I think I had four flags all season. I missed two, and the other two were pike. I don’t know. Next year I’m going to have to find a tip-up tutor or something. I don’t fish at night. Maybe that is part of my tip-up problem

All and all, it was a pretty good season. There seemed to be good numbers of fish in all of the spots that I fished. There was certainly no shortage of Tanks. Every time I went out I marked giant fish. Getting them to bite is a different story though. Little Bay de Noc truly is a world class walleye fishery – lots of fish, and big ones too!:)

Happy "waiting for the 15th of May" to all!

03-14-2010, 08:38 AM
Well, I read in the paper that some wrecking service pulled nine vehicles out of the lake this past week. With that said, I think it is safe to say that I am done for the season. I don’t want to end up in the paper next week! I just thought that I would take the time to post one final report for the season.

I know that I have complained a lot about this being a frustrating season, and it was. For a good chunk of the season I couldn’t fish in my number one or my number two spots because of all of the congestion in the upper bay from the lack of ice this year. In other words, my spots in the upper bay were all full because there wasn’t enough ice for people to fish the outer bay for much of the season.

On top of that, the lack of ice also took its toll on me as I was counting on being able to take a pickup truck out there so that I could sneak out on the week days during the narrow time period after my classes. However, I had to use a sled for most of the season which was just too much messing around for fishing after class.

Although it was a frustrating season, when I look back on it, it really was a pretty successful season. I ended up with 67 keeper walleyes, and a few nice ones in there too. I didn’t get any monsters like I was hoping, but I did get three different fish that went over eight pounds. I also caught a lot of fish in that 23-27 inch range, which are also very fun to catch.

I pretty much fished in the upper bay. I have never done very well fishing south of Gladstone, with the exception of the Esky river mouth which always has big fish near it. I always fished on either the mud flats, or one of the few different pieces of structure that I fish. As one would expect, most of the eaters came from the structure, most of the bigger fish came from the mud flats.

I ended up catching nearly all of my fish on #9 rapalas in bright colors, and always with no bait. On the structure, I fished them 18 inches to 3 feet off the bottom. On the mud flats, I fished them anywhere from 18 inches to 12 feet off the bottom – whatever depth the fish were at. And I always rip them really hard.

I never caught a single walleye on a tip-up.:mad: I just don’t know how people do it. I think I had four flags all season. I missed two, and the other two were pike. I don’t know. Next year I’m going to have to find a tip-up tutor or something. I don’t fish at night. Maybe that is part of my tip-up problem

All and all, it was a pretty good season. There seemed to be good numbers of fish in all of the spots that I fished. There was certainly no shortage of Tanks. Every time I went out I marked giant fish. Getting them to bite is a different story though. Little Bay de Noc truly is a world class walleye fishery – lots of fish, and big ones too!:)

Happy "waiting for the 15th of May" to all!

Congrats on a great season, sounds like we need to head out together and combine some knowledge. In my Four weekends i spent on little bay this winter i caught 30 walleye, 23 of those were over the slot and never caught one on a jig. All on tip ups with the exception of a few on slip bobber, which i had rigged just like my tip ups.
I have caught good numbers of fish on the jig in past years, just must not have been my year.
Plus they say confidence is the most important bait in your box and after two trips i think i lost all confidence in the jig and had great confidence with my tip up set up. I probably ended up spending more time chasing flags and checking and adjusting tip ups then actually jigging anyways.
It sure was a great year for big fish though, i personally caught my 6 biggest walleye and we had 9 different guys come to camp and catch there biggest walleye ever. Its a shame to see the slot go as it is obviously working.

03-14-2010, 10:54 AM
I agree with you in a lot of different areas. 1st, I would gladly show you what I know about jigging for walleyes in exchange for your tip-up technique. Although, it sounds like your methods are a bit more effective. The way I do it is kind of hit or miss. I get totally skunked one day, and limit out the next. At least your way sounds consistant.

And I also agree 100% with the confidence thing. A lot of people don’t realize how big of a role confidence and intuition play in fishing. I am sure that confidence was my biggest issue with the tip-ups just like it was for you jigging. Last year I caught a few fish on tip-ups anyway; but after my tip-ups just sat there for the first few trips this year without a flag, my confidence in them was shot. From that point on, there must have been something that I was doing wrong. In fact, any live bait killed my confidence. On nights where the fish were coming kind of hard on the Raps I would sometimes try a Pimple/minnow or something in that order only to find that the fish wouldn’t even come up from the bottom to look at that rig.

I sincerely hope to see you on the ice next year!

03-14-2010, 10:56 AM
As some one who lives in Colorado and has to live his life vicariously through all you lucky fishermen in the UP, I'd just like to say that WalligatorGetter, you have provided some of the most in depth reports I have seen on this forum. As someone who never ice fishes, I feel that with some of your information, I could at least stand a chance of maybe catching a fish if I ever get up that way in the winter. BaitShopGuy is always posting reports or putting up pictures to see. And Chris I thank you for that. I check other forums around the upper midwest, but I really think this is one of the top ones, always up to date and always active. Thanks for all your effort and time.

03-14-2010, 11:46 AM
Thank you very much for your comment, StorminD. I put enough time into typing those reports that it is very nice to know that somebody actually got something from them. The way I see it, there really are no secrets, and I have nothing to hide. No matter what I do or where I fish, someone else at least knows about it. I am open to giving any information short of GPS coordinates if I think it will help someone else. And I would give GPS coordinates if I knew that people would only fish my spots when I’m not there. After all, what good is; Went fishing tonight, got my limit, went home?

Thanks once again!