View Full Version : Yooper Determination

03-14-2010, 05:54 PM
A friend and I went out to some favorite late-season spots near Butler's Island on Saturday, and I saw something that reminded me that when the rest of the planet goes to hell, Yoopers will still make it through.

A guy walked past us pulling a small aluminum johnboat loaded with a block and tackle, long ropes, pike poles, long pieces of plywood, and some 2X4's. He headed for a shanty that was 3/4 sunk, and by the set of his eyes and the way he marched, we could tell he meant to get it up and out of the lake.

He spent a long time getting everything set up and he spudded some holes in large ice floes along the shore of the island to tie the block and tackle off. My friend and I walked over to help man the ropes, and the three of us pulled like mules as the shack emerged from the water inch by inch.

When it finally came up onto safe ice it was laying on its side and would not slide well. He said "the door handle is digging into the ice. I'm a carpenter and I had to build it fancy with a handle and all." So we learned a lesson: don't put door handles on shanties! Anyway, we then picked up one side and set it back on the runners. Sliding it to the island at that point was easy.

Yoopers: God love 'em! They'll find a way.

P.S. I'm originally from Escanaba, so technically I'm a Yooper even though I was gone for a long time.

Walleye Slayer
03-14-2010, 07:23 PM
Wow That is just to funny and also doesnt suprise me,So how did u do out there?is the ice still safe to go tmr?also how far out did u go?Any info would be great.Thanks Much!JEFF

03-14-2010, 08:02 PM
raywriter...As long as you were born a Yooper you will always be a Yooper.
There are a lot of wanna be Yoopers out there though. lol

03-14-2010, 10:27 PM
We did find perch between the island and shore, and we saw two pike and two walleyes on the camera. The ice was OK Saturday, but I did not try going out today (Sunday). I think the shoreline opened up even if the offshore ice pack was still thick.

As a side note I was in Marquette on Sunday, and I saw four boats out fishing in the harbor. Trolling for salmon?