View Full Version : Middle/Lower Allegheny Conditions

Red Childress
03-16-2010, 10:51 AM
Are you guys getting blown out down there??

As soon as you guys flush out, we will be seeing some high water for sure. Kinzua is holding back currently but we are on borrowed time.

03-16-2010, 02:27 PM
Gauges show the Allegheny river at 14 ft in Sharpsburgh which isn't bad. If it was rising and not dropping I'd be fishing. Topped at 14.6 ft last Sunday. This pool is usually 10.5-11.5 ft. Won't be 13ft till Sunday. Not too bad but the army corp sees a bigger picture than me.

allegheny river kid
03-16-2010, 04:25 PM
O yes the lower river is mess. Most of the smaller feeders are coming down but the corp lakes are starting to dump pretty heavy now. Looks like it will be awhile til i can get out to fish in decent water quality.