View Full Version : Spring Boat

03-30-2010, 12:38 PM
So, we drag the boat(s) out of winter storage come spring, or early summer for some of us.

I roust the cats out and get madder than a wet hen because they found a way under the cover. Grrrrr. Then I get more mad when I'm airing the boat out and the durn cats are climbing all over it. Uffda.

What is the first few things you do to your boat getting it ready for fishing ?

alonzo buck
03-30-2010, 12:48 PM
Insert drain plug.

Ty Sennett
03-30-2010, 01:14 PM
Usually check the oil level just to be sure. Lower unit oil and powerhead oil. Then make sure all the buttons and what not turn on when they are tripped like livewells, bilge, horn, trolling motors, etc. last, I'll hook the hose up to it or dip it in the lake and start the engine. I think tomorrow is the day for all of that. Then I get in and sit there for a second and hope for warm weather.

You gotta hate those darn farm cats Robert. There is an endless supply of those things.

03-30-2010, 02:16 PM
Get rid of all the mice and their nests in the various hiding places. That's one of the reasons why the cats are there in the first place.

One year opened up the seat for my dad's boat on opener and found a nest of baby mice in a chewed open seat. Now that's bait.

Nick Kanauz
03-31-2010, 12:07 AM
I throw Downey dryer sheets all around in the boat in fall, then put on the cover. It works too!

lil man tait
03-31-2010, 02:28 PM
I would get some coyotes if I were you Robert!! They do wonders on small farmland creatures!!:D

As for me I search the inta-net to find a boat.

03-31-2010, 08:45 PM
No kidding, Ty, it is spring now so a whole new batch of farm kittens should arrive soon. Saw the tomcat out by the dumpster a couple of weeks ago doing what tomcats do best ! Ack. I was jealous, actually. hahaha But, I don't laugh when they have those kittens IN MY BOAT ! Make a heck of a mess they do.

Tait, I stepped out of the pickup one morning last Nov, and 4 coyotes started howling, 2 really close and 2 in different directions. It was eerie, to say the least. Glad I wasn't breakfast ! I am certain a few of the barn cats get had by coyotes, but I suspect they escape by gettin in my boat, in the garage where the 'yotes can't go. Maybe I just outta' leave the door open some. Hmmmmmmmmmm. My two dogs go ape a lot of nights, I reckon they hear a fair amount of howlin' outside. Honks me off when the fool dogs wake me up in the middle of a nice muskie dream. (Insert bad word here.)

Ty Sennett
03-31-2010, 09:10 PM
You've got farm cats Robert and we have red Squirrels (Pine squirrels) to deal with. I had to rebuild the rock wall on the house because of one of them. I thought it was a ground squirrel doing the digging until the little devil came out and squacked at me while I was on the phone with Dave Dorazio. I had to hang up quick and save the rest of the rock wall. I hate those things. Seems like they just keep multiplying. Why do they have to wreck everything?

Esox Chaser
04-05-2010, 11:32 AM

Sounds like your "landscapers" could stand a little "lead poisoning" of the .22 caliber variety!

Geez, isn't it Spring yet?!?!?

Ty Sennett
04-05-2010, 07:17 PM
I'm running out of lead.

Mark Benson
04-06-2010, 12:48 PM
Then there is the trap... Not very friendly, but effective and when the little buggers are messing with your property!!! Something about a pail of water and bait over it...
