View Full Version : hook sharpening

04-01-2010, 09:27 PM
While I don't sharpen my cone cut or chemically sharpened hooks until they need sharpened (dulled or bent points) I do sharpen other hooks (Mustad or Eagle Claws etc.) and feel I've never obtained razor sharp on my own.

I sharpen the left and right inside and then the sides. I leave the outside edge alone unless the hook has been bent to this edge. About 75% of the time I seem to get decent points.

How are you sharpening yours? Does Anyone ever get a razor sharp edge on the inside?

Red Childress
04-07-2010, 07:10 AM
I tried sharpening the barb/inside edge to match the point a few times and it can be done but is not easy. I find myself just worrying about sharpening the entire point of the hook at all angles. Sometimes, depending on the hook thickness, I will even do a few extra strokes to slim down the shank with the hopes of helping the penetration process. Some hooks are made from softer metal so if you take too much material off the shank, the integrity of the hook is compromised.

04-08-2010, 08:15 AM
found the old thread for hook sharpening and found some good stuff. The luhr-jensen instruction is great. I'm going to try a dremmel. lots to learn about something so simple.

04-11-2010, 07:40 PM
I use 2 chainsaw files braised at the tip and epoxyed in a dowel. Run the hook in the groove betweent the file with light pressure until it feels smooth. Be careful when its done right the hooks will grab anything that gets close.