View Full Version : Night fishing trout

04-05-2010, 05:10 PM
I was wondering if anyone has tryed night fishing for brooktrout with a lantern in inland lakes. Ive heard of it being done for rainbows with a lantern and corn. Any tips would be appreciated.

Always Gone
04-05-2010, 09:17 PM
When your buddy asks you " What can I bring for the trip" Make sure he does not bring frozen corn. It floats.

Never tried for brookies, just rainbows. I would imagine similar results could be found.

04-05-2010, 09:43 PM
My luck Trout fishing at night has been for browns and Bows.. most have told me that brookie dont bite at night.???? I have never caught after dark... but browns and bows.. dif story.

crappie man
04-06-2010, 01:19 PM
They sure do bite at night, have caught many, when I was young, my buddies and I would fish with lighted bobbers in beaver ponds, never used a light like for rainbows, but they seem to like cut bait better at night than crawlers or corn. Caught them in rivers and lakes at night.

04-06-2010, 02:24 PM
I was wondering if anyone has tryed night fishing for brooktrout with a lantern in inland lakes. Ive heard of it being done for rainbows with a lantern and corn. Any tips would be appreciated.

I've caught brookies at night during the full moon (This was in a river with spinners/rapalas.). I've never tried bait at night, period. I tried fishing the same river/method without the moon, no luck. I'm not sure if it was the phase or the light that was the key. My guess is the lightis the key, as most nights they seem to turn off after dark.

Good luck, would love to know how you did,

04-07-2010, 08:22 AM
Thanks for the input. I will let you know how I do.

04-07-2010, 07:42 PM
What inland lake are you going to try? A few years back....quite a few, I fished lake 19 almost 3-4 nights a week at night. Some nights we killed the rainbows and other nights we got squat. My dad had rigged a metal rod and bent it in a L shape. One end went into the hole for oars on a 14' aluminum boat and the other end we hung a coleman lantern. We put tinfoil on the lantern glass that faced us so we did not get blinded. We would chum the side of the boat with corn and also threw egg shells in. I don't know why the egg shells, but we always did. We would fish about 16" of of bottom with a chunk of crawler. As you do in ice fishing, we used spring bobbers as they bit VERY light. If my memory is correct, we would fish between campsite #1 and the old loggers cabin foundation across the lake in about 26'. I have not been there in almost 12 years so this might have changed 110%. Just thought I would give my 2 cents.

Good luck!