View Full Version : Road Trip!!!

04-10-2010, 08:45 AM
Went on a road trip/ scouting mission the other day and went searching for some small inland lakes that don't show up on most maps. Ended up taking a ride back into the Groveland Mine Ponds to check it out . Never been there without snow and ice on the ponds and haven't been there since their new launches have been put in. OMG, I couldn't believe how nice it is and couldn't believe the money they stuck into such a remote area. Are there really that many people that fish there in the summer and are they planning on turning it into a camp ground . The only thing they didn't do was put in a play area with swing set and a petting zoo. Also BYOT!!!!! They failed to stock the
2-strory outhouses with TP. Guess I should of looked first. Oh well, I guess thats why socks come in pairs!! Anyone looking for landscaping ideas should take a ride out there, as they really put some man hours in out there.
Don't get me wrong, I can appreciate nice access sites, but did they have to take it to that level ? I think my tax dollars could have been used more wisely!!! Last question? Are those lakes stocked or reproduce naturally now?? Slammer!!!!!!!!!!

04-10-2010, 09:25 AM
Yes there are quite a few people that fish there in the summer. And you can camp out there. You can pick up forms for camping at the norway dnr,doesn't cost anything. You can camp anywhere within like 50 ft of the road. I don't think they do any stocking out there, but I could be wrong.

04-10-2010, 06:48 PM
The irony (for me) with all the money they sunk into the boat launches out there is that they didn't do anything to upgrade the roads. The roads are complete crap--but if you can make it to the boat launch you have a nice boat launch and crapper to use.

Sorry, I don't get it.

Anyway. I don't think they stock anything. But as someone so astutely said to me last year: you could start a fire under that lake and make fish soup. Spring. Summer. Winter. I've always caught fish when I've went out there. Always. It's a great spot to take the kids.

04-10-2010, 08:54 PM
Hey YooperTroll,
I guess I don't get it either. Like I said , very nice launches and "crappers" and landscaping, but you are right , the roads in just suck . Ya don't need million dollar ramps for canoes and 14 ft runabouts. If your driving a $50,000
bass boat , you could probably appreciate it, but then you probably shouldn't be fishin there anyways , unless you like stump jumpin. Bet we could sell enough tickets for that to pay for those launches!!! Nice comfy crappers though, I'll give em that, other than no TP, it's worth the trip!!! Slammer!!!

04-12-2010, 07:12 PM
Word on the street is that those roads are going to be blacktopped this year. That will just about kill the fishing, I'm sure. I believe the DNR does lightly stock one pond with Walleye, but VERY lightly. Obviously they also stocked the Muskie too...but that's it as far as I'm aware.