View Full Version : Recent voting results

04-14-2010, 10:58 AM
Hi Ty...

The DNR has posted the results of the voting on their site. I see that there was a majority vote in favor of motor trolling in Sawyer County. Does this mean they will actually allow for it, then...and if so, when?


04-14-2010, 11:33 AM
Wow that's a game changer...I hope it doesn't create a new crop of lazy muskie fisherman on the chip.

If I had a vote it would have been an enthusiastic no!

alonzo buck
04-14-2010, 01:04 PM
I agree with Snizz. As much as I enjoy musky fishing, I would be just as happy sitting home and watching re-runs of Judge Judy, as opposed to out trolling for muskies. I don't understand the thrill of this lame technique. I realize it can be effective, but where the fun? A couple of my friends are "avid trollers" and they are also my same friends that deer hunt over piles of corn. Let's be good sports about it and go out and earn it.

Cold Front
04-14-2010, 04:18 PM
I really hope the trolling thing gets stopped. I live in Mankato, MN and do most of my muskie fishing on the flowage because of the way it is. If motor trolling is allowed the influx of boats and lazy, rude, stupid, fat***** will be brutal. I drive right by a lot of "good" water in order to get to the flowage and fish relatively quiet, unpressured water. The corn pile thing is different altogether why don't those people just go hunt cows or petting zoo deer? Gotta quit .... I feel a rant coming on.

alonzo buck
04-14-2010, 07:24 PM
I hear what you are saying Cold Front. I consider myself a "sportsman" but then when I see some of these morons that also consider themselves "sportsmen" I feel embarassed to be a part of that.

John Myhre
04-14-2010, 11:03 PM
What happens when local DNR fisheries people present a reasonable management plan to Madison that gets completely changed around by those higher ups and they say anything abouth those changes??? Well they get a letter like this from HQ!! No wonder all the states proposals got voted down in Sawyer county.

"the Department's spring hearing regulation proposals are the official position of the Department as approved by the Secretary and the Natural Resources Board.**Regardless of your own personal opinion on a Department policy, it is your job to fairly and accurately portray that position in a public setting.* And in the case of a public hearing, it is your*job to carefully listen to and accurately report the input that we receive.**It is not your job to advocate for alternative policy options of your own choosing while acting as a representative of the Department.**
In this specific situation, we have been made aware that there is a lot of public controversy about the*proposals for the Chippewa Flowage.* There are also strong differences in opinion/judgment among the many professional fisheries biologists and scientists that have peer reviewed these proposals, and at this point the Department has put forward what it believes to be the best option to restore the walleye population in the Flowage for public comment.* As Steve says below we will consider all public input (eg any resolutions that may pass) before making a final recommendation to the Natural Resources Board.* And regardless of our final recommendation, we will also make all public input available to the Natural Resources Board so they can make a final decision.* However, the Department is*NOT advocating for the defeat of any spring hearing questions and we are NOT advocating for the passage of any alternate resolutions."*
Michael Staggs
Bureau of Fisheries Management
PO Box 7921, 101 S. Webster
Madison, WI* 53707-7921
608-266-2244 (fax)

04-15-2010, 08:58 AM
Wow! Sorry that your bosses have no interest in your opinions or ideas...and commend you for still doing what you love!

04-15-2010, 09:54 AM
Having fished on the flowage since 1961 I have seen many so called solutions to short term issues. As for muskies the biggest impact has been catch and release. I saw great fishing and then poor and a great come back with this program that was NOT started by DNR but Muskies Inc of which I was an original member.

The latest on walleyes is the bass are eating them, however two years ago fishing was fantastic and last year slower but still was able to catch plenty of walleyes. They tried a 15 inch size limit on walleyes years ago that did not work at all so why would we think this would? All lakes go through periods of up and down fishing so let's just leave the lake alone without any new proposed regulations that have a 5 % chance of working. These quickie fixes without any real facts are always a problem

Paul Schueller
04-15-2010, 11:07 AM
I believe there was also a vote regarding walleye and bass regulations. I am a little confused by the action of the DNR on this issue. I no longer live in the area, so I don't hear everything, but I have seen little to back up the claim of bass as the problem. Any time I have seen something in writing about the DNR stating the largemouth are eating walleye and musky fry, there is no citation of studies or data. Then they advocate the harvesting of largemouth, again, without data or studies to prove why this is good. As stated in the previous comment, many factors will influence population production of a given species. In my opinion, abiotic factors like temperature, water level, etc. are likely to have a much larger effect on reproduction/recruitment than predation. I realize that the walleye fishery needs improvement and there are many people who want to see that happen, but it should be at the cost of a different fishery. When I am not musky fishing, bass are my target on the chip. I am probably a minority in this regard, but it doesn't mean the bass fishery should be left by the wayside.

04-15-2010, 03:57 PM
Wow that's a game changer...I hope it doesn't create a new crop of lazy muskie fisherman on the chip.

If I had a vote it would have been an enthusiastic no!

WHAT AM I HEARING HERE!!?!???!? SAY IT AINT SO!!!! Trolling on the flowage??? This news has just ruined my day, week, and possibly year!!! My vote definitely would have been NO WAY IN HELL as well... I also agree that deer hunting over a pile of corn isn't deer hunting... it is shooting your pets... Any idea when this "trolling" will be allowed so I can plan to find a new lake to fish accordingly??? hah.... There is a reason I have a sticker on my boat that says "TROLLING DOESNT COUNT"

04-15-2010, 09:35 PM
I suppose the other group that might have voted for the motor trolling would be some Walleye fisherman, as it's a favorite method for some. I don't know...maybe the Chip's big enough to handle it without a lot of shots being fired across the bow. But it's kind of a nostalgia lost, too. What's next...voting in more shoreline development, or lodges on the islands?

04-16-2010, 08:31 AM
It is NOT law yet. It is just an opinion poll. With that said, the majority was a "yes" vote for trolling, so they will take that into consideration. And honestly, with the DNR head not being a DNR guy, a public vote may have been a moot point regardless. They'll probably do whatever they feel will make more money, and they probably feel opening up more water to more tactics will increase tourism.

I just think its going to create more tension and headaches. You think its bad getting cut off on Pete's by another person casting or camping, just wait for your first troller going inside you over and over and over. I could probably put up with a few out trolling the deep channels, but trying to weaver around the structure is going to be a mess if they open it up.

04-16-2010, 09:03 AM
You think its bad getting cut off on Pete's by another person casting or camping, just wait for your first troller going inside you over and over and over.

That's what I'm saying! You might have to raise a few pirate flags to keep people away :P

From the looks of the letter that John shared with us, I also agree that the DNR prolly doesn't give a h00t about peoples opinions...

04-16-2010, 09:16 AM
"You might have to raise a few pirate flags to keep people away :P"

Flaming arrows over their bow. If that doesn't work...I don't know what will.

04-16-2010, 04:49 PM
Not sure how I feel about this issue. I like to troll when I'm too burned out from casting or when it's cold out, but the Chip can be a zoo at times and I just don't see it working out there (see the pete's bar example above). I know I wouldn't troll on the Chip even if it were legal. That type of water I much prefer to cast.

On the plus side, one time I had a pontoon troller (not on the Chip) go through the weedbed I was fishing and I had a follow right afterwards. I think it pushed the fish towards me or stirred it up a bit. I pulled the lure out (had weeds on it) and then saw the fish. Doh!

I do think you should be able to use your electric trolling motor while sucker fishing. It's pretty stupid that can be considered trolling.

I have no problem with it as far as it being ethical. Live bait is cheating too right? :)

04-16-2010, 07:54 PM
Here's the reply I received from Frank Pratt, who I belive is the head of the Fisheries unit of the DNR, back in 2007 when I first got wind of this being a possibility. I wrote to the DNR expressing my opposition. Unfortunately, I think it's a done deal. Another example of people at the top having no clue about the value of a resource they're supposed to be managing. Just remember, a boat under power (the troller)must yield to one that's not (the caster).

From: Pratt Jr, Frank B - DNR [Frank.PrattJr@Wisconsin.gov]
Sent: Monday, October 08, 2007 3:39 PM
To: favrefan@charter.net
Subject: FW: Chippewa Flowage

Dear Favrefan: Thank you for your in-put regarding motor trolling on the Chippewa Flowage. Stay tuned to the 2009 Spring Conservation Hearings. This is the earliest that this proposal would be up for vote. Then, if approved- earliest implementation woud be 2010. You are invited to vote and voice your concerns at that time. The public may not realize that this is just a preliminary proposal. Just because it appears in the Fishery Plan does not exempt it from the normal, complex, rules making process. Sometimes, as a manager, I actually wish that I had the power that people must think I possess. Other times- and this is a good case in point- I am perfectly happy with having the court of public opinion decide the fate of controversial management strategies. Again, thank you for in-put. FBP

04-16-2010, 08:05 PM
one of the reasons I come to the Chip is because there is no trolling, it is a level playing field with tradition. I could just as well go to the Petenwell if they put this trolling thing through, and heck I am 60, with a 40% dissability and I can put a day in. No matter what they say, anyone can snag a musky trolling, it takes some talent, skill and time to get one casting. If you don't have those, you don't deserve one. This is a fragile resource and there is no doubt in my mind that trolling will over exploit it. In addition it will bring in a class of fisherman that will most assuredly have a higher proportion of rude unsportsmanlike behavior. There are plenty of places with good populations available for the trollers, lets leave some places with tradition. Dean

Esox Chaser
04-19-2010, 10:37 AM
First of all I'm thinking that the bait shops in the area better start loading up on big crankbaits ie:grandma's, Jake's, Wiley's... 'cuz, no kidding, even the guy's that know where they are going and what they are doing are going to be leaving tackle behind when they start trolling out there! A new Springtime "sport" could be going out to all the structures and retrieving all the different lures that Pete's and the Church bars and all the other structures grabbed and kept the previous year! Maybe a little boost to the local economy? I love fishing the Flowage but the thought of trolling out there has never appealed to me. There is just too D#@* much stuff to get hung up on!

If this does indeed become "law" how about pushing for this?-
Either make the Flowage 100% "Catch and Release" or set the size limit at 50" or maybe even 55"? Other than Ty or Dave or Wayne or Tanner how many other guys actually even stand a chance of dealing with a fish that big?

Ty Sennett
04-20-2010, 09:57 AM
I'm not a big fan of some of these proposals. I was at a meeting with some of the resort owners earlier this year and said we should come up with some proposals to counteract the ones being brought forth. I should have just done it myself. I already knew all of these were going through no matter what.

As for the trolling, people will get tired of the irregular weedbeds and cribs pretty quick. I don't see it being a problem. Don't get me wrong, there will always be "that guy" that ticks people off trolling, but then again there's always someone that ticks you off casting too. I think trolling should be allowed late in the year. There's nobody out here at that time. It would be a good way for resorts to stay somewhat busy late in the year. Also the trolling motor with suckers thing would be cleared up that way.

04-20-2010, 10:32 AM
...and for the great Wisconsin news that I can't believe hasn't been talked about on here yet!!!


Hooray state microbe, Lactococcus lactis!


Jason L.
04-20-2010, 11:46 AM
YUM! Cheese microbes!

Cold Front
04-20-2010, 04:41 PM
Snizz, How many computers do you have up and running at a time to find all this stuff? You must be the absolute master of free association and the search button.

04-21-2010, 08:41 AM
Surfing the net is a very scientific process. You must be very focused and...blah blah blah...LOL no I just saw that on one of the websites I troll everyday and because it had to do with Wisconsin I thought it would be fun to post.

Ty Sennett
04-21-2010, 04:08 PM
Snizz is like the girl on the show Criminal Minds except he just has a Bears jersey on instead of all the crazy clothing and pink hair.

Dave H
04-21-2010, 07:59 PM
Ahhh, A couple rod holders & a couple cases o' beer. Hey, look at me! I'm a musky hunter!

Ty Sennett
04-22-2010, 12:42 PM
I think people will realize real quick how tough trolling will be on the Chip. Reservoir trolling is great when you have shad but when fish don't suspend it's going to be a different story. November could be a trolling bite though. Who knows. I'm not a big fan but I'm not adamantly against it like most. I kind of like it the way it is.

Esox Chaser
04-22-2010, 02:55 PM
As I stated earlier and Ty has already stated twice, trolling on the Chip is going to be a huge pain in the a** for the trollers. There is just simply too much stuff out there to get hung up on! As far as I know the majority of the muskies are structure-based fish not open water fish!
While it would be very irritating I'd pay money to watch someone try to troll around Pete's and some of the other structures. That's why I think the only people to benefit from trolling on the Flowage will be the tackle shops! Let them leave $100.00 worth of tackle stuck on Pete's and see once how soon they come running back to do it again! ("Thank you, sir! May I have another?")
South of "the Tension Line" there are some lakes especially the Madison and Waukesha county lakes that get trolled to death. Trollers as good as Dennis Radloff have made a living catching fish out of some of these lakes. But even as good as Dennis is I'm betting you won't see him trolling on the Chip. While I agree that trolling is not something that will improve the Chip I think that it is something will do itself in based strictly on the "Hassle" factor!

lost another anchor
05-06-2010, 08:20 PM
I have been fishing the chip for 40 years, have worn out my shoulder from throwing everything from 1/32nd oz jig to the big heavy's and i dont know about you guys but whether im anchored down or just drifting around on a perfect fall day the last thing i want to hear is a motor going up and down the lake -trolling on the chip is wrong wrong wrong

05-13-2010, 11:53 AM
Well I have to admit if they allow trolling on the Chip I will start. I do a lot of putting around anyways to take breaks ;) I’ll gladly sign up for some lazy fishing under the bimini. Not worried about snags, my motor’s quiet, and I have good ethics…
So when can I start?