View Full Version : Cave Run Report

Texas Dan
04-24-2010, 07:38 PM
I decided to try some of that southern musky fishing this week. I fished 3 days with Charlie Thompson, one of Tony Grants guides. For those of you that haven't been to the Cave it is very different from northern lakes and flowages. The land around the lake is breathtaking with tall tree covered hills everywhere and steep rock walls. However, the lake reminds me of the Texas reservoirs, easily stained, creek channels and plenty of timber.

I arrived just after the PMTT and fishing had not been very good with cooler that usual water temperatures and slowly rising water temperatures. My first day was brutal with high, clear skys and little fish movement. I did not see a single fish, caught 2 bass, and questioned the existance of musky in the lake. The second day was better (sunny again) with no strikes, but plenty of fish coming to the boat. I could not get the fish to trigger on the 8, but Charlie told me to slow down (I did not get it though). The last day was raining and the fish turned on. Nailed a fat 36 on a spinner bait early on and the fish kept coming to the boat. It took about 8 more follows to figure out how slow the 8 had to be and then I started hooking fish (although I could not keep them on). If I had figured this out the 2nd day it would have been a very productive trip.

It was weird musky fishing south of wisconsin but it sure was good flinging the big baits again! If you get a chance to go, make sure you look up Charlie Thompson.


Ty Sennett
04-25-2010, 12:48 PM
You are right about the landscape down there. Pretty cool.

I fished that PMTT down there last week. We did awsome prefishing but then our pattern totally shut down. We knew where the fish were but couldn't get them to hit........well not the right size anyway. We boated 8 or 9 in the four days we fished down there. Most were small but we did see a few forty inch fish and caught two legals down there.

Good time anyway. That's the first time we haven't boated a fish during the tourney on that lake. I guess all good things must come to an end sometime.