View Full Version : OK, so how'd this happen?

04-27-2010, 08:47 PM
Once upon a time I thought I was real uptown in ultra high techville with a Garmin 510, complete with the LOTW download installed.

Mapping GPS in the boat!!! Wow!!!!

Then came the little yellow Garmin etrex for an Alaskan bear hunt. Small, portable, easy to use. More uptown stuff.

Now, I look at what's in the boat. 3 GPS/finder combo units. 1 H20C (for backup should things really go south.) The little etrex. An iPilot bowmount.

It's GPSpalooza!

I feel like I'm piloting a Russian "fishing" trawler.

How'd I ever manage to fish before now?

Illinois Dennis
04-28-2010, 05:50 AM
Ebay can ease that pain and make it go away, free to join.

When I think I need something, I just peek into Pearson's boat. If he doesn't have one (or two, three, etc.) I don't need one.

I also look into Frank's boat too, just to make sure. Frank veto's Dick.

Its nice to have a back-up for sure. Love the power of the e-trec, don't like the screen size while in control of a moving object; probably an old thing, something to do with eyesight.

Frank Walsh
04-28-2010, 06:05 AM
You forgot to mention the car. Got a small gps for the truck for my recent world wind tour. WOW!

04-28-2010, 06:09 AM
Well Tim it happens.That little E-Trex alone gives you more computer power than Admirals Nimitz,Spruance and 'Bull'Halsey had when they took back the Pacific in WWII.
No sir,not needed on the lil ponds we wade around on.Consider Dennis's ebay option or just chuck em all off the dock at Frankies-you can see little goes to waste there.
And you can join me in the newly formed MGWD&K.(Men Going Without Depth and Knowledge)Admittedly some might trifle with my Orgs name and initials but small minds always run on idle.No sir,get a good rock n rope for depth control and keep one side of your middle finger wet and in the wind for navigation and you're back to pure fishing enjoyment!
'Welcome Aboard' as the saying goes.;)

04-28-2010, 06:58 AM
I dunno Dick. I love technology. I'm simply amazed at the explosion of gadgets, great gadgets, available to us nowadays.

Even though I managed to navigate the lake for many years w/o the aid of these toys, I'm glad to have this stuff aboard.

Maybe someday I'll leave the high tech back at the dock and fish the lake with nothing but a compass, a 202 and solid fiberglass Zebco rod. (with a cork handle of course.)

Can't give up the Opti though 'cause I know Frank enjoys having them at the dock. Sort of dresses up the place. :)

I do like the title of your new organization though. Kinda has that Red Green thing going for it.

Illinois Dennis
04-28-2010, 10:38 AM
Frank, you didn't have to go out and buy another single purpose GPS unit, your Lowrance would have worked fine. Just run it it map only screen mode and you're good to go. Now Pearson probably runs his on spit screen and also installed the transducer so he could drive through all the flood water and know the depth & temp.

Frank Walsh
04-29-2010, 06:55 AM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think with the Lowrance, it only works as a map. Without the route calculations, and step by step audio directions, that really make it effective.

Pretty neat to have the unit direct you lane by lane through the big city.

Illinois Dennis
04-29-2010, 11:57 AM
If you are going to get picky, yes you are totally correct. And ya its way cool to tell you down to the lane you need to be in. I have all the streets on my Lowrance, but doesn't talk to you or give you lane choices, tell you where the next bathroom stop is, etc.

Frank Walsh
04-29-2010, 08:35 PM
The features I mentioned are what made it so helpful. Especially for a guy that has not driven through the big city for almost 20 years. Only paid $69 for the little dickens.

04-30-2010, 06:17 AM
Just a heads up for those who don't have the latest GPS spyware.Been 'up Nort'here one day and can confirm GPS is not needed.In fact,if concerned about navigation,a Topo map would perhaps be better anyway.Easier to use when'navigating' from exposed rock to rock.
The overwhelming beauty of the place hasn't changed though thats for sure-except there's more land to view than water temporarily.The only disappointment so far is that traffic was heavy.Late yesterday a boat went by and last evening was marred by a near continuous stream of deer crossing our yard heading towards a world traveler type neighbor we have that apparently feeds them.At least I'm assuming some minimal human contact exists since they were happy to stop by the deck and share a salad with the Boss.
The only other news I can think of is that MGWD&K had its annual meeting yesterday in the Suick Room of the local Barge(a local 'chain' type operation in the Islands here).It was an uneventful meeting although the motion to allow new members to use Topo maps their first year on the pond was hotly contested but did pass by one vote.The next annual meeting is scheduled for June 19th should anyone wish to attend.It was agreed it would be held approximately 250 yds west of the Barge since at that time of year too many members of NNMGAT would be present to have a meaningful meeting.
More later-need to tune my Sextant.

Illinois Dennis
04-30-2010, 06:28 AM
Ya its wild how the prices have come down, think they all have a glut of them and will take almost anything to move them. Did you know you could program what voice is giving those detailed instructions? Even have a Tim Kelly type as one of the choices. Now I think someone could make a cool million bucks if they added SD slots to the things and you could buy different people with a whole nother vocabulary... if you get my drift.

Dick:............................................. ........................
.................................................. ...........................
.................................................. ........................
.................................................. .......................
.................................................. ........................
.................................................. .......................
......WTF?........................................ .....................
.................................................. .........................
..............................................welc ome home buddy!

Frank Walsh
04-30-2010, 06:37 AM
Yeah I know. I chose a male voice, as I've had my share of women telling me what to do.

04-30-2010, 09:51 AM
Haven't tried it yet, but apparently 3rd party "voices" are purchaseable to be d/l to the Garmins.

Among the choices are airline pilot and ditzy blonde.

04-30-2010, 09:56 AM
Just a heads up for those who don't have the latest GPS spyware.Been 'up Nort'here one day and can confirm GPS is not needed.In fact,if concerned about navigation,a Topo map would perhaps be better anyway.Easier to use when'navigating' from exposed rock to rock.
The overwhelming beauty of the place hasn't changed though thats for sure-except there's more land to view than water temporarily.The only disappointment so far is that traffic was heavy.Late yesterday a boat went by and last evening was marred by a near continuous stream of deer crossing our yard heading towards a world traveler type neighbor we have that apparently feeds them.At least I'm assuming some minimal human contact exists since they were happy to stop by the deck and share a salad with the Boss.
The only other news I can think of is that MGWD&K had its annual meeting yesterday in the Suick Room of the local Barge(a local 'chain' type operation in the Islands here).It was an uneventful meeting although the motion to allow new members to use Topo maps their first year on the pond was hotly contested but did pass by one vote.The next annual meeting is scheduled for June 19th should anyone wish to attend.It was agreed it would be held approximately 250 yds west of the Barge since at that time of year too many members of NNMGAT would be present to have a meaningful meeting.
More later-need to tune my Sextant.

NNMGAT? Nocturnal Northern Minnesota Gregarious Assault Team?

Tim Kelly
04-30-2010, 11:19 AM
Ya its wild how the prices have come down, think they all have a glut of them and will take almost anything to move them. Did you know you could program what voice is giving those detailed instructions? Even have a Tim Kelly type as one of the choices. Now I think someone could make a cool million bucks if they added SD slots to the things and you could buy different people with a whole nother vocabulary... if you get my drift.

Dick:............................................. ........................
.................................................. ...........................
.................................................. ........................
.................................................. .......................
.................................................. ........................
.................................................. .......................
......WTF?........................................ .....................
.................................................. .........................
..............................................welc ome home buddy!

I did some work the other day for a woman who's on telly a bit. Prior to her telly stuff her claim to fame was being the "cashier number 3 please" voice at all the banks and supermarkets. I bet she'd do a good satnav voice too. :)

04-30-2010, 06:06 PM
You weren't that far off really but NNMGAT is that ever present Bay Store group known as Neurotic Nimrod Muskie Gurus Abusing Technology.They meet regularly at the Barge as well but heck,they even have regular winter meetings throughout the midwest they refer to as 'Shows'.
Some MGWD&K members,not me of course,like to argue that 'Neurotic Nimrods' should be changed to 'Numb Nuts' but it is what it is.

04-30-2010, 10:56 PM
I guess some people just expect a higher level of service then they are likely to get. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that Lowrance and Burger King are owned by the same company now.


Frank Walsh
05-01-2010, 07:32 AM
That's where you're wrong. At least she is talking to a live person. With Lowrance, you are on hold for 45 minutes.

And another thing that's unusual is the venue. These types of calls usually happen at Micky "D"'s, or Popeye's. But all became apparent when the caller "axed" four times for her western burger

05-02-2010, 07:51 AM
FOR SALE:One Mark 25 Master Sextant.Like new condition.Its arc has recently been recertified and is personally guaranteed.Comes complete in lined carrying case with an artificial horizon tool,haze filter and complete log book with pages of shootings including numerous secret spots.Homemade adaptor allows insertion into butt seat holes(no improper comments please)for steady,solid shootings.Serious inquiries only by dialing 605 486 4413.

NOTE:This unit is in excellent condition.I'm only selling it cause I rarely fish after dark anymore and no longer need its star shooting capabilities.I'm going back to a purer or more simple age by purchasing a Davis Quadrant or perhaps even an Octant.
Of course this unit does not have 'sound' like some modern devices but for a nominal fee I could provide a 45 record containing my 'howl' which played on this site last year or even provide one with my rendition of 'Johnny Comes Marching Home' should you wish.
Safe navigating!

05-04-2010, 07:31 AM
Sextant Sold.
A guy from my neighboring county(Brown)bought it to help navigate home from work by boat since about half the County is under water(and a Fed Disaster area order).
He still was handling things well and didn't appear stressed.
Not meant to be 'political' but arguably speaks volumes.
(my county and others around here would have made the 'top 20' but don't meet the threshold of 25,000 people.)
Different worlds.

Frank Walsh
05-04-2010, 08:48 AM
Not the sextant. What's next? Your bathysphere????? Tell me it's not so.

Studied your Stress Study, but am having trouble coming up with a common thread. I see California coming up frequently, but sure can't be that. Sure can't be Political Correctness Ad Nauseum. Definitely cannot be reckless spending, and thumbing their noses at the rest of us. I'm at a loss what it all means. Maybe a bailout ala: Greece would reduce their stress.

05-04-2010, 02:41 PM
Woohoo!! Platte Co #12!!!

05-11-2010, 03:34 PM
Here ya go folks,entry level Octant at a price similar to the big Ls or Hs'.
A steal at this price!
http://cgi.ebay.com/1790-Rare-Maritime-Navigation-Octant-W-S-Jones-London_W0QQitemZ400108896215QQcategoryZ20095QQcmdZ ViewItem

05-14-2010, 06:31 PM
Took a little ride today-mainly dead calm this afternoon so wanted to look around a bit.
Wow,whether you navigate by 'dead reckoning'(really a bad play on words),an Octant,Topo map,or GPS Spyware,navigate very carefully if the water doesn't come up.Your tried and true safe routes may not be quite as safe.Most of you are going to see lots of structure you likely haven't seen before.
As the saying goes,'be careful out there.':(