View Full Version : Another Gill net found

04-27-2010, 10:36 PM

Mike P
04-28-2010, 11:54 AM
The net was found in big bay

Esky Moe
04-28-2010, 01:47 PM
So at $10/lb what would that mean for those arrested earlier of illegal netting? Let's see, 75k/lbs times $10/lb? That'd be $750,000. What is their fine? Oh yeah, a slap.
Why can't they find these nets full of rotting Asian carp instead?
Rant over.

05-09-2010, 08:52 PM
Was at work last Friday and was talking to a person from the Garden Pen. and they said the net was a 1000 feet and they figured the net was set elsewhere in the bay and with the wind it got lost came adrift. That is why there was rotten fish in it. He also told me the 2 men from Rapid river in the LBDN netting case will loose there lisence for life being this is the second time they were caught. Don't want to start rumors but he also told me they are looking at $300.000 restitution for the fish they took out of the bay...Hard to believe they will be fined that much but we will have to wait and see. Any body hear anything else....