View Full Version : Next trout plant needs volunteers

The Bait Shop Guy
04-28-2010, 11:16 AM
I Received this email from Dave Westerberg.

"Hi Everyone,

I just received word that there will be a 28,000 Brown Trout plant at the Cedar River on Thursday, April 29 at about 11:30 am. The DNR Fishery Chief, Kelly Smith had his ass chewed by the Conservation and Tourism Committee in Lansing, because of not notifying us of the Brown Trout plant at the Ford River two weeks ago that the birds ate.

I need at least 4 people and 2 boats to harass cormorants away from this fish plant. We cannot kill the birds, but we can use our shotguns and any other noise makers to scare them off. We can chase the birds with our boats also, my boat is a little slower than the birds fly so I can't run them down! This will be our first time doing this and we need to do it by the rules. The Feds and State people are watching to see if we have the ambition to protect the fish.

This may take a few days till the Browns get into deep water. I don't expect anyone to do more than one day, and I hope enough of you volunteer so no one will have to."

C. Dave Westerberg
PH 786-3950

04-28-2010, 01:03 PM
i can't be there due to work and punk rock concert.

but will gladly borrow anyone a shotgun and a box of shells to "scare" cormorants.

04-29-2010, 10:52 AM
Better make sure to bring steel shot at $20.00 a box or you'll probably get a ticket for littering lead.... Wouldn't want to give the trout lead poising which would then go straight to the birds.... hmmm.....

04-29-2010, 11:59 AM
over 250 looks at this post and only 4 volunteers !!

peanutbutter soup
04-29-2010, 04:09 PM
i was at the trout plant this morning. it went well. i got to shoot at the evil black fish eaters and scare them off. that part was alot of fun. anyone that would like to help, can contact dave westerberg. he will explain the do's and don'ts. it was pretty cool seeing all those fish get dumped in the river this morning. please help if you can. bring your boat and take a run at some birds.if we can get people for the next few days,those fish have a better chance than without help. see you on the bays.

04-29-2010, 04:25 PM
I will be there in the morning about 8:15

The Bait Shop Guy
04-29-2010, 04:49 PM
Another email from Dave -

Hi Chris,

I have 2 boats and 4 volunteers for today - could you post on the website that I need boats and people for Fri - Sat - Sun. and I will try to get more volunteers at the meeting on Sun.

please post my contact information also - home - 786-3950, cell - 399-7741 and my email address otee739@yahoo.com


04-29-2010, 07:51 PM
is there a reason these fish cant be planted at night like other fish are ?

The Bait Shop Guy
04-30-2010, 07:06 AM
To the best of my knowledge, no other fish plants are made at night. Besides that, planting at night doesn't do any good. It takes some time for the fish to disperse, and the birds will just chow down on them the following morning.

04-30-2010, 02:46 PM
Is there a reason they can't be planted in winter? I think someone said it in an earlier post on here. Unless birds can hold their breath they'd fare a lot better.

04-30-2010, 03:57 PM
I was told that in the thumb they did it at night and had a higher success rate.

schmutzomatic 5000
04-30-2010, 05:17 PM
The M&MGLSF (Marinette, Menominee) planted between 3 & 4 hundread tagged trout last june for kids derby. Of that 8 have been accounted for already.. This is a very high return avarage. The reason is that these fish were larger when planted and can fend off preditors better. The club inquired about letting the fish grow a little more to give them a sporting chance and let the flying rats move out in the bay farther. The reason they stated for planting early is to clean out the tanks so others can be raised. :( Also it takes more room in tank for bigger fish.
Don't ya think if they would wait a few months these fish would have a much greater survival rate. Bigger fish are smarter and faster. Yea, have heard every excuse in the book from weather to paying overtime for planting but, I don't think it would kill anyone to wait a few months...
My $.02