View Full Version : Cormorant Committee Names

04-29-2010, 09:59 AM
After seeing that the "Cormorant Committee" has denied Delta County the means to control these birds is there any way for the Bay de Noc GLSF can get and publish the names of these committee members? Maybe make a "sticky" with their names, phone numbers and email address`s. Then the fishermen who are paying the bills with their licence fees can contact these people and apply some "Tea Party" style pressure to make this right. I bet the pro cormorant advocate groups know who these people are. Maybe another "sticky" with the name, phone and email and supervisor of the person who is responsible for the Ford River carnage.

The Bait Shop Guy
04-30-2010, 07:17 AM
An email reply from Dave Westerberg, with a little editing, (for some reason, he is not able to log onto the site to reply directly.)

Hi Chris,
the problem is not here in Michigan, its in Washington at the USDA! They don't have the money budgeted for proper reduction and control of these birds. Its the same story as with the wolves! The "bird lovers" and "tree hugger" who are in power in the bureaucracy make the decisions about what is important enough to fund - Cormorant Control is not funded at the level we need to make a difference and that's the way they want it!

The committee here in Michigan had to make a decision what areas to manage with their limited funds - The Beaver Islands has 60,000 birds, we have 40,000, so they wanted to tackle the Beaver Islands first and get to us next year with a spring lethal harassment program. The Fish & Wildlife Service will still be doing egg oiling and shooting of adult birds in our area this year!

Instead of what the writer wanted to do in his post - if everyone would write to our Congressmen and Senators and get on their ass, they would get on the USDA's ass! Nothing gets things moving faster then the threat of cutting the whole departments budget!!!
