View Full Version : T.F.F. Windy Opener

Don Pemble
05-02-2010, 06:00 AM
Opening day greeted all fisherpersons with high winds that got stronger as the day progressed making for tough fishing conditions and travel. My 5 clients and I started out by heading south to get out of the major waves and we worked the wind blown shorelines with Reeves weedless jigs tipped with fatheads, all we could muster up in these areas were 1 good eye along with several pike. One thing we witnessed that was very interesting was the hundreds of suckers that were spawning in the shallow rocks. After working all wind blown areas in Rat Lake and surrounding areas, we decided to drop anchor and try deep river channels that were somewhat out of the wind, here, we picked up 14 keeper eyes along with several throwbacks.

Back out today, will keep you posted.

05-02-2010, 11:15 AM
Nice to see the reports again. Thanks Don!