View Full Version : Crappie action

The Bait Shop Guy
05-10-2010, 11:06 PM
I got a hot tip the other day about a hot crappie bite going on a little inland lake, (don't bother asking where at:cool: ) I took my dad there tonight and we had a blast!

Growing up in Minnesota, the first thing we got to chase in a boat in the spring was crappies. The fishing we had tonight was every bit as good as any we had out there. It also brought back a flood of fond childhood memories. The scenery was a little different, but the fun and excitement was still there! We kept 25, and released 4 more. Since most of them were in the 11 to 14 inch range, we didn't mind throwing back the 8 to 10 inchers.

The key was finding downed trees along the shore, in at least 3 to 4 feet of water, (check the background in the first couple pics.) The fish were holding tight in the cover. If you could put a nice, 2 inch fathead close to the branches, they'd swim out to get it. Like I said, I'm not going to tell you where we were. Small lakes like that could get fished out in short order if enough people start pounding them. Still, if you know of a lake with crappies and cover like that, (and most up here do,) then know all you need to know to go catch some for yourself.

The Bait Shop Guy
05-10-2010, 11:07 PM
...have yourself a "crappie day." :D

hook em and cook em
05-10-2010, 11:31 PM
Why the vague reports on this site?

"I wont tell you where..."

"Was fishing the head of the bay in 10 to 30 feet of water....."

"Fished south of escanaba, between summer island and the bark river..."

And people wonder why guys rarely post fishing reports on here. If decent information were given once in awhile, people might be more apt to share information that others could use.

05-11-2010, 02:24 AM
Nobody wants their hot spots littered with gill nets.

05-11-2010, 05:48 AM
Hey Chris,
Wouldn't dream of thinking you would tell me specifically where you caught the nice crappies but specifically where in Minnesota did you grow up? Being a Native Minnesotan myself, I thought I might get that much out of you?

The Bait Shop Guy
05-11-2010, 06:41 AM
Why the vague reports on this site?

Generally speaking, I'm pretty free with the information on this site. Crappies are one of the few exceptions. The spots you catch them at are usually small, and can be easily fished out. I'll tell you the "how's" and "why's," but you are going to have to do a little work yourself to figure out the "where's."

Perhaps you should contribute some good fishing info to the site Hook em, before giving people grief about their lack of information. By clicking on a persons screen name, you can read all the posts they put on this site. You have 25 posts so far, and there's not one, not one, single fishing report.

Rambler, we lived in Alexandria. There were hundreds of small lakes in Douglas county. A few of the good lakes I can remember, (and this was from 20 years ago,) were Darling, Mill, Ida, Mary, Le Homme Dieu, and Reno. I think almost all the lakes had crappies there, but those were the ones I remember us doing the best on.

Good luck out there.

05-11-2010, 09:31 AM
Chris, All I can say is that when there is something going on or not! You share it with us. For what it's worth, I thank you for your input/sharing...You the Man!!
As far as Crappies in the spring your right, if you just get out there and try you'll find them, not hard this time of year they are plentiful and vary hungry! We will have our Camp Openers Fish Fry this weekend and we will be frying up about 100 or so Crappie filets that we have caught this spring they are fun to catch and even better in the fry pan!

05-11-2010, 11:43 AM
Hey Chris,

This seems like a good time for me to say thanks for the reports. I know lakes that have crappies. I know lakes that have wood cover. And, thanks to your report, I’m sure that I could put two and two together and go catch some crappies, without contributing to the decimation of your little lake.

My biggest wish for this site is that more people would start posting useful, fish-catching information like you do. There is definitely a lack of it on here. I’m not sure how many members this site has, but I know it’s a lot; and there are some very good anglers among them. However, it is rare to see more than a couple reports in a week, even during peak fishing times. Why is that?

While some of the reports on here are rather vague, mine included, I am not going to criticize them because they are all we have, and useful just the same! Bottom line, when everybody else on this site is posting GPS coordinates to their spots and you are still posting stuff like, "out from the Days River in 22-24 FOW, but east of the sand point," then I might consider criticizing. Until then, which may as well be when Hell freezes over, great job! Keep up the fantastic work! And best wishes for the opener!

IM MuskyTime
05-11-2010, 12:21 PM
Couldn't help but chime in on this one...hard to listen to someone complain about non-specific information for inland lake fishing action.

The Bay and inland lakes---and I'm talking about the medium to small inland lakes---and totally different animals. Thousands of acres of water versus hundreds or less, and an exponentially higher number of fish available. Like Chris said, it doesn't take much for these small lakes to be significantly impacted. If you wanted to catch fish year after year on "your" hot lake, would you advertise it to the world so guys could rape it?

It's happened...inland bodies of the water in the U.P. that have been "advertised" (by users on this site and others) have seen size and quality drops in the last 10 years that are not part of normal fish population cycles. How many times can somebody post on here that he and 3-5 buddies got their limit of bluegills? 2 days in a row? 3 days in a row? And those are just the people that post...there's no doubt many more people just see it and do the same when they hear a good bite is on.

A lot of the people who use this forum don't live in Escanaba/Gladstone, and just like to read up on what's happening over there. I'm one of them. Tough to make a post about that area when you haven't been out fishing it. Chris makes constant reports partly because he owns a bait shop. Not to say that he wouldn't ever otherwise, but he does it as a service as part of his business---and in return he gets a lot of business because of it. And rightfully so.

Hey, I'm all for people catching fish. Inland lake, Great Lakes, whatever. But when you advertise bodies of water that can't handle the type of pressure that comes with total harvest or limit after limit, they won't be good for long---especially in a time when inland lake management and fish planting is extremely scarce. I think if people could trust that others on this forum were practicing selective harvest and trying to preserve the long term future of the fisheries, you'd see a lot more report postings outside of the Bay.

Part of the fun of catching fish is the challenge of doing some of the work on your own. If you never do that side of it, you're missing out on one of the most gratifying parts of fishing.

schmutzomatic 5000
05-11-2010, 04:19 PM
Hey Chris,
I guess I should expect more. When you told me out from the days in 22-24 and I started hitting fish right away I guess I should expect more. Like maybe you should give up ur boat for me or let me use your new rod...Better yet you could just supply the bait for everyone...lol
Yea, I had good fishing with the info you supplied and I thank you. More than enough for an out of towner to get out and get a meal. Do I expect more from anyone....hell no...that is why it is called fishing and not "going to get fish" Thanks again for all you do...

05-11-2010, 08:25 PM
Why the vague reports on this site?

"I wont tell you where..."

"Was fishing the head of the bay in 10 to 30 feet of water....."

"Fished south of escanaba, between summer island and the bark river..."

And people wonder why guys rarely post fishing reports on here. If decent information were given once in awhile, people might be more apt to share information that others could use.

Where's the crybaby icon?

05-11-2010, 11:03 PM
That looks like greenwood. But so does alot of other waters too.

Nice fish, used to catch zillions of them years back, but kinda forgot about them, would like to get back into it again.

05-12-2010, 07:55 AM
I'll just add my piece here too. Thanks to Chris and all others who post any report at all. I feel the writer has full license to put as much or little info as they wish. If everyone wants to know where to get fish, go to the east end of Washtington street in Marquette, look for sign that says Thill's and guess what - no limit on how many you can take home!!!
As for the sportsmen, sadly we know what happens when word gets out about a hot spot. I am familiar with a lake where groups would go out in the morning, lunch time and supper time and take home limits each time and now they complain all the walleye in that lake are gone ---- duh!
I for one appreciate any post that tells me even a little about what's happening on the water. Thanks.

hook em and cook em
05-12-2010, 10:44 PM
Make a comment and have a bunch of clowns go on the defensive.

All I said was the reports on here are void of information most every time. Rare is a post that gives ample information to be usefull in any way.

Then I see a "why dont you post?". In response, why should I? Like i said, people would be more apt to post if others shared good information too.

Secret spots, vague locations and tactics arent reports. Those type of reports are simple bragging.

If i wish really hard, can I be in the clique too?

05-13-2010, 12:31 PM
I see Chris has a map for you in his other post for you. Still need more useful info?

05-13-2010, 01:37 PM
Make a comment and have a bunch of clowns go on the defensive.

All I said was the reports on here are void of information most every time. Rare is a post that gives ample information to be usefull in any way.

Then I see a "why dont you post?". In response, why should I? Like i said, people would be more apt to post if others shared good information too.

Secret spots, vague locations and tactics arent reports. Those type of reports are simple bragging.

If i wish really hard, can I be in the clique too?

Why don't you start and be the first "informative" poster here. Maybe everyone will follow your great example.

05-13-2010, 05:34 PM
Then I see a "why dont you post?". In response, why should I? Like i said, people would be more apt to post if others shared good information too.

This reminds me of a little rascals episode. jeeez.

Mr. Marbles
05-14-2010, 02:42 PM
Thanks for your Crappie report, I hope to have a crappier day tomorrow. There's a lot of water out there, while others are after the eyes I will be after Mr. Crapeyes.