View Full Version : Gladstone Boat Launches

05-13-2010, 08:02 AM
I am coming over to fish on Saturday morning and was wondering what boat launch to use. I have lauched at the Gladstone marina once but I see on Mapsource that there is another launch at Saunders Point. I would imagine they are both gonna be busy, but I was wondering if anybody has a preference. I am launching a 16', so water depth isn't that critical. Thanks for any info and good luck on Saturday.

05-13-2010, 03:03 PM
There is no launch at Saunders Point. You can launch at Kipling or the Gladstone Marina. If you are comming from the East you could launch at Hunters Point which is across from Saunders. I would launch at Gladstone vs Kiplng, more parking available and I think it is usually less crowded.