View Full Version : Kinzua Outflow

Red Childress
05-13-2010, 10:51 AM
Yep, the water is coming. Look out below!!

05-13-2010, 11:23 AM
It's going to go up more is it. I see no projection on my Warren outflow page for some reason. I see it's up a foot since yesterday. Didn't have much luck getting bait yesterday. Since it's so dirty i'll have to go buy some suckers i guess.

Red Childress
05-13-2010, 12:02 PM

05-13-2010, 03:19 PM
Thx Red

No luck with the suckers but i saw one splash and another, maybe the same one, later in the shallows that was legal but wouldn't hit.

Red Childress
05-14-2010, 10:40 AM
Looks like 7400 cfs for the weekend. I am excited to chase some slime in high water for a change, especially during the early stages of the spawn. I had 50-51 degree water temps last weekend North and South of Warren.

Good luck everyone and be safe!