View Full Version : Stupid things done that has lost you a fish!!

05-27-2010, 05:28 AM
Since the post The most annoying thing about fishing is when.....
was fun to read how about this.

What stupid things have you or I guess your boat partner done that have cost you a fish you were fighting.

We once were trolling 4 rods. One rod had Power Pro and the other Suffix I think on each side which was nice if they got tangled since the lines were differnet. Anyway, hook up with a small fish and the lines were tangled into each other from the other lure fouling up on weeds and tracking over. Actually the "other" rod was the first to pull the clicker so I ended up at the wrong rod to begin with. Long story short, I had just changed some lures around and the lure I saw the fish have in it's mouth I had forgot I had just moved it's location. I wanted to get the fish in quick so I decided to just cut the line and we'd sort out the mess later on the other pole. I cut the line I thought was the other rod except I had just moved that lure location to the other pole. Basically I just cut the line the fish was on and lost the fish and my favorite lure that caught me alot of fish including my biggest muskie ever.
I couldn't believe it!!!

05-27-2010, 11:59 AM
I am sure this has happened to many of us. Had a person they were fishing with, that got a bit to excited about scooping the net and tryed to take a green fish. Only to miss the fish and get the hook of your bait caught in the net, ultamately ripping the hook from the fishs mouth. Musky gone :(

Now i have a quick talk with people i fish with on how i would liek the net run if i get a fish, and i ask how they want the net run for the other person.

05-27-2010, 01:12 PM
speaking of nets..... last september I was out on a solo mission and hooked up with a slob I'm sure it would've been my biggest, after an intense fight I got ready to land the fish only to go for the scoop and couldn't get it in my net, not that I have poor aim but that it physically wouldn't fit in the net.... after a second attempt I went for a third try going head first apparently this pissed her off and she went ballistic, after a thrashing musky vs. man wrestling match the fish won and left my lure tangled in the net.... I've had a 44'' and 40'' fish in this net and believed it was good for the job, nope. For the record I did land a mid 30's fish later that day and a week later purchased myself a net worthy of catching monsters.

05-28-2010, 11:16 AM
Same here Anzo.....after many times watching people trying to net my fish from the tail first, and losing several of course, i ALWAYS talk to whoever i'm fishing with about how to do it correctly and then tell them i will be coaching them when the time comes to bringing the fish into the net. Bring the fish to the net not the net to the fish. This is always more difficult shore fishing. Still to this day i can think of one buddy that just gets too excited and forgets everything in a split second and STILL is very bad at netting.......so i tell him he's not allowed to net my fish anymore if he won't listen, lol.

05-28-2010, 06:42 PM
Lost focus on 1 retrieve on an 8 hr trip- ONE RETRIEVE- And it probably cost me a good fish.
Casting all day & didnt see one fish. I work the lure boatside religiously( its gotten me fish before), but the one time, for whatever reason, I pull it right out, a submarine comes right up & takes a swipe as I'm lifting it out of the water. And it was an agressive strike, he wanted the lure. Gone. That was it, didnt see one more fish all day.

Talk about a long drive home.

Lesson learned. Big one.

captain wrongway
05-29-2010, 01:25 AM
Heading up to Little Saint Germain Wi. like I have for over 25 years now in a few hour's . Couldn't sleep like for a week now .I'm not a good fisherman . I just do this one week out of a year mostly . Thing is I really enjoy this week. Anywooo . 15 years ago or so, I took the fam. fishing and on the last couple of hour's before heading out I took a dad's time out in the bay. My thought was to get some gill's, clean them quickly and add them to are take back fish. All was going as planned . I was catching good size gill's, for this lake anyway . All total maybe 15 I have caught and put into the basket that I had tied off just so that after I caught a fish all I had to do was drop it into the basket and fish away.. Geting ready to get back to shore I pulled up my prize basket of fish only to find out that the bottom flap of the basket was sprung the wrong way just enough so the gill's could sneak out as I watched the last fish caught, blow me a fart and drop back into the lake . I got so many of these kind of thing's I should write a book but I'm getting sleepy now so off to ya ya land !!! Semper Fi !! have a good Memorial Day Week