View Full Version : Fish of a LIFETIME!

05-30-2010, 09:07 PM
Today I was out with my buddy Garrick (Polish Pike) and his son Caulin on a trip we booked with Red.

I caught a fish of a lifetime. It was a great day, a ton of follows, only one to the boat.

Here she is: http://www.steelcity.net/images/Big-Ski.JPG

She's a bit beat up from the spawn, but wow, I am still shaking.

She is my FIRST purebred musky. EVER. I have caught bunches of smaller tigers, but never a purebed, until now. I am thinking I should retire.

I will let Red take over the story, because he tells it better!

I am SO AMPED UP I can't even tell you.

05-31-2010, 06:53 AM
Great lookin fish! That is somthing to be proud of, congrats

05-31-2010, 07:41 AM
Great fish! My brother and some of his friends are out with Red today. I hope they can be as successful as you!

05-31-2010, 08:23 AM
Congrats on an AWESOME fish man!! It will probably take a while for the knees to stop shakin, only to start all over again when the next one shows up. Gotta love it!! Way to go guys!!

05-31-2010, 12:04 PM
Damn that's a big fish!
Can't wait to hear the story....Congratulations guys!
..."and he was smilin' like the butcher's dog"

05-31-2010, 06:43 PM
I talked to Stu earlier today and it sounds like he is still ready to jump right out of his skin!! Thats what this sport is all about!! :D I also told him that I woke up early this morning with full intention of gettin out and hittin some of the wonderful Smallie and Trout fishing I have so close to me. I made the mistake of jumpin on this site real quick to see if anything interesting had come up over night, only to see the picture of a fantastic Musky staring into my still half-asleep eyes. Best part about it was the monster cheese and shiny head of the person who was fortunate enough to boat her happens to be one of my oldest and best friends!! Needless to say, I decided not to go after the Smallies and Trout this morning. Instead, I decided to wait for my next chance to chase some toothy critters. Damn addictions anyhow!!! :P

Congrats again to everyone in the boat!! Couldn't happen to a better crew!!

05-31-2010, 09:11 PM
Book a trip with Red if you haven't done so because he's the man. River knowledge and experience. You cant put a price tag on it if you're hunting the big prize.

We pulled into a spot...Red said it was a "high confidence spot". 1 minute later it was on like Donkey Kong. Five-0. That was some intense stuff, glad I got to see it live. What a beautiful creature. Delicious too. That's a joke..quick, healthy release.

05-31-2010, 09:23 PM
Book a trip with Red if you haven't done so because he's the man. River knowledge and experience. You cant put a price tag on it if you're hunting the big prize.

We pulled into a spot...Red said it was a "high confidence spot". 1 minute later it was on like Donkey Kong. Five-0. That was some intense stuff, glad I got to see it live. What a beautiful creature. Delicious too. That's a joke..quick, healthy release.

I heartily second, third and fourth the sentiment about Red. He knows the river and can definately put you on fish...and yes even 50"+ fish!!

Even for experienced anglers having someone who knows the water and, I think more importantly, the behavior of the local fish is really key.

Now I need one boat side crashing the 8 to REALLY get the musky feeling!

05-31-2010, 09:49 PM
Congratulations on truly a fish of a lifetime !! Another Musky Maniac is born, ha ha Any measurements ?.............Gary

05-31-2010, 10:03 PM
Congratulations on truly a fish of a lifetime !! Another Musky Maniac is born, ha ha Any measurements ?.............Gary

50.25" and estimated 25-30 pounds...oh and the angler is 6'5", 235lbs...and STILL the fish almost won! LOL

Red Childress
06-01-2010, 07:45 AM
I sat down to type a summation of the story this morning and noticed the tip of my little finger was black/purple, swollen and tingly. I had taken a hook to that finger on Saturday morning but thought nothing of it. Heading to ER now just to get it checked.

I can guarantee that there have not been many guys who's first purebred musky was a 50" and got to see it, cast to it 4 times, and watch it eat on the 4th cast in 3 feet of clear water only 10 feet from the boat. Still perplexing to me but no complaints.

Yes, Stu's fish broke the old boat record of 49.50 (which I did not own either). Fish was measured with a soft tape 2 times and is legit. End of story.

Congrats again guys! I just hope I still have all 10 fingers when we fish again this summer.

allegheny river kid
06-01-2010, 07:49 PM
Great looking fish! Congratulations!

06-01-2010, 11:47 PM
I sat down to type a summation of the story this morning and noticed the tip of my little finger was black/purple, swollen and tingly. I had taken a hook to that finger on Saturday morning but thought nothing of it. Heading to ER now just to get it checked.

I can guarantee that there have not been many guys who's first purebred musky was a 50" and got to see it, cast to it 4 times, and watch it eat on the 4th cast in 3 feet of clear water only 10 feet from the boat. Still perplexing to me but no complaints.

Yes, Stu's fish broke the old boat record of 49.50 (which I did not own either). Fish was measured with a soft tape 2 times and is legit. End of story.

Congrats again guys! I just hope I still have all 10 fingers when we fish again this summer.

Red, How is that finger doing? Hope all went well at the ER..........Gary

Red Childress
06-02-2010, 04:54 AM
No tetanus or infection, which was my primary concern. I guess it will heal eventually.

06-02-2010, 07:59 AM
She's a beauty.......congrats!!!!

You broke the "50" mark the right way, you still have 50.5-50.75-51-etc etc.......
Must of been something to see it, cast several times, and watch it hit and still keep your cool!!!!! Good poker face! Or just too stunned to realized what just happened.....ha ha!!!

Just have to book another trip since Red's your lucky rabbits foot.
Congrats again!

06-02-2010, 05:13 PM
No tetanus or infection, which was my primary concern. I guess it will heal eventually.

Glad to hear that your finger will still be there next trip! It would have been a shame to have to change your business name from Allegheny Guide Service to "9 Fingered Red's Guide Service"!

06-02-2010, 05:15 PM
She's a beauty.......congrats!!!!

You broke the "50" mark the right way, you still have 50.5-50.75-51-etc etc.......
Must of been something to see it, cast several times, and watch it hit and still keep your cool!!!!! Good poker face! Or just too stunned to realized what just happened.....ha ha!!!

Just have to book another trip since Red's your lucky rabbits foot.
Congrats again!

I think the just too stunned to realize what happened is the correct view point. PolishPike (Garrick) says I said "Oh No!"...now why I would say that I don't know. I don't even really remember it all...just bit of the fight, Red netting her, getting a measurement, Red showing me the correct way to pick her up and the release...all of the detail between those things is a blur!

06-03-2010, 06:13 AM
Congrats to Trauts. Beautiful fish.

Congrats to Red also. That is the first Allegheny River 50 in your boat, right. I know you've been looking for one. Now that you've broken the mark, you just need one on the end of your line.

Adam A.

Red Childress
06-03-2010, 06:57 AM
Yep, that is the first river 50 in the net. Finally.

3 fish between 49 and 50 and 5 fish between 48 and 49 over the years. In my best estimation, we have had 3-5 other 50+-inch fish hooked up but just could not close the deal for various reasons. This time, the day belonged to Stu and the gang.

I lost a super fish last June (at boatside) that still makes my stomach ache...I am sure you know the feeling.

06-04-2010, 05:40 PM
Congrats on a beautiful fish !! Congrats also for breaking the boat record !! WTG guys !!

06-06-2010, 09:51 AM

Good plug for Red!