View Full Version : Musky Fishing Report

Andy Huffmaster
06-01-2010, 03:04 PM
Musky fishing this past weekend in the Mercer area wasn't great but it wasn't that bad either. Lots of fish were following but only found a few that were aggressive enough to bite. We had 19 follows total for the weekend, caught 2 and had one hooked and lost at boatside. All follows and strikes came in 3'-8' of water around new weed growth, areas with current from rivers and feeder creeks seemed to be the best. The 2 fish we caught were both on twitch baits, one measured 35" and the other 30", the fish that was lost at boatside hit a spinner bait and was about 38". Shallow bulldawgs also produced quite a few follows but no strikes. The majority of the fish scene were in the mid 30's with one fish early Saturday that was 45 plus. I would expect the fish to move deeper as the weeds continue to grow and water temps continue to warm farther down in the water column. I did try fishing open water for a few hours but didn't have any action. Good Luck!!