View Full Version : Fishing Islands on the Chip for Muskie and Walleye

Pike Catcher 01
06-05-2010, 10:59 AM
Hey Ty,

I am not sure if you were able to see my first post I made, but I was just trying to find out any information you might have about fishing islands on the Big Chip for Musky and Walleye during the last week of June. Do you have any particular preferences that you would think of or that would interest you should you be out fishing during this time frame? Any advise or help would be great, good luck out there, hope the water levels are getting better. Have a good one.

Nate G.

Mark Benson
06-05-2010, 11:30 AM

I am sure that Ty got some business to attend to on the water. In the year I have watched his forum, he has been very good about getting back to all the people's questions. In the words of the Schwarzeneggar "He'll be back".


Pike Catcher 01
06-05-2010, 07:19 PM
Thanks Mark,

I will be waiting for the "Party" (Boston) to begin. Hopefully Ty has hooked into a Giant out there. Have a good one.

Nate G.

Ty Sennett
06-07-2010, 07:14 AM
I finally got to your first post. Sorry, we had friends in from out of town.