View Full Version : Rainy Saturday Evening

06-06-2010, 02:08 PM
Well, my dad, my grandpa, and myself headed out in the rain last light. The original plan was to go out of the Ford, but we decided to stay a little closer to home for fear of lightning. Instead, we launched out of the Esky River and headed south near Peninsula Point. It was raining pretty hard at this time and only continued to worsen. We started out trolling in the shallow water near shore but zeroed. We then headed out from shore into 20-27 feet of water and found an area on that giant flat where we were marking fish

It was probably about 7:00 and we started trolling with deep diving cranks. It didn’t take long for us to get some action either, but the fish were striking short. I quickly hooked a big fish with a silver down deep husky 110 feet back, but he was only on for two jerks and a head shake before he threw the hook. After that, it didn’t take long a big fish hit my pink tail dancer set 90 feet back. That one stayed hooked all the way til the end before finally coming un-buttoned. I was raising him to the net when he threw the hook. It was a hawg of a walleye too.:( I never got it quite to the surface to get a totally un-obstructed view of it. It might have been 28 inches. It might have been 31 inches. I didn’t get a real good look at it.

After that, we went quiet for a while with no action. However, the fish did start to bite again just before sunset like they so often do. We caught a couple of fish and then decided to go home as the rain was starting to get to us, mainly me. I found out the hard way that my rain pants are splash proof, NOT water proof!

We ended up with only two fish and a bunch of short strikes and losses. The two fish that we did catch were 21 inches, and 28 inches. They both came on that same tail dancer that I lost the big fish on earlier, still 90 feet back.