View Full Version : River Fishin in the rain

06-08-2010, 09:16 AM
Have you guys noticed any sort of patterns with river fish in a steady rain? I'm hopin to get some fishin in tomorrow and they are callin for some steady rain. Not sure if this might help keep fish shallow or push them a little deeper for any reason. I'm sure its probably river and fish dependent, just curious to see if you guys have noticed anything.


Red Childress
06-08-2010, 10:36 AM
If raining hard/loud, you may want to go with a noisier bait, especially if the water is turning to mud. Light, steady rain in semi-clear water will likely not have much bearing on them finding a traditional musky bait.

You may very well find some fish up shallow but I see very little difference in musky location during rainy days regarding this stretch of river.

06-08-2010, 10:42 AM

One thing is you won't be able to see any follows so you'll have to fish every cast as if there is a fish hot on it. Seems like they are less aware of the surroundings or the rain distorts any boat noise or movements.

I like fishing when it's raining and everything is stirred up, do I do any better?
I don't think so, maybe a little. I wouldn't plan a vacation day on purpose to fish in rain. Before a front system I would.

Your next personal best can happen anytime in any condition, always stay positive cause you just never know.

Good luck, go get'em!!!

06-08-2010, 11:57 AM
Thanks guys! Looks like I might get a little mix of rain conditions tomorrow. I'm pretty psyched as this will be my first solo river trek. Cool and rainy conditions sound mighty fine to me. Just hope the fish feel the same way.

06-08-2010, 02:54 PM
Thanks guys! Looks like I might get a little mix of rain conditions tomorrow. I'm pretty psyched as this will be my first solo river trek. Cool and rainy conditions sound mighty fine to me. Just hope the fish feel the same way.

BAD THINGS happen when YOU (yes, I mean you SPECIFICALLY!) fish in the rain!

Of course I was along all those times...so maybe, MAYBE, you will be safe this time!

Joe M
06-08-2010, 05:28 PM
If it is a strong steady rain the fish will stack in the eddies. Any break from the current will be holding fish. Good Luck!!