View Full Version : Which Week? - Historically

06-08-2010, 03:54 PM
Looks like the 2 options for the LOTW trip are week of August 14th or not until labor day week... is there usually that big of a difference in fishing between those weeks?

My dad likes to walleye fish, but I prefer to fish muskies or atleast cast shores/reefs for smallies, pike and walleyes if not chucking the big baits. So we usually split the day in halves.

Just wondering if anyone would have any suggestions on which the better week typically is given standard weather that time of year. Good thing about Labor day is one less day off vacation to use from work, but driving with the nutjobs from indiana up to LOTW on Labor day weekend would not be fun either.

So,... any advice?

06-08-2010, 11:43 PM
Either one it doesn't matter because it will all depend on the weather. Either weekend is going to better than this coming weekend. Thunderstorms and rain has been the norm for the last couple weeks and this weekend looks the same. I would still rather be at the Angle during a thunderstorm than anywhere else with the sun shining.
Good Luck and I hope the weather gods shine on you!