View Full Version : June 9th report five fish day

Ty Sennett
06-10-2010, 06:45 AM
I had Ken and Dick Stevens out yesterday. When I started I didn't think we would see many fish because it was basically cold front conditions. I thought we would have two hit and maybe one other follow. Instead we caught four and lost another and had three others follow. I lost the one in a figure eight. Three of the fish we caught were figure eight fish. The fish were from 30 to 41 inches long. We did have one big fish follow but of course that one didn't hit.

I had a half day last night also and we boated a nice 43 incher right away. We also had one other follow. That was Todd's first time fishing the Chip and first time ever using a baitcaster. You woulda thought he had done it his whole life. I think he had maybe two backlashes. Pretty impressive. I'll get some pictures up tonight. Gotta run.