View Full Version : Salt water trip

06-21-2010, 09:00 AM
Booked a trip last wednesday off Wrightsville Beach in NC.

Had a good time, Jacob got a shark about 3 feet long and a 7# spainsh mackeral, some sea bass and a toad fish (ugly looking S.O.B.)

Moma got some toad fish and some sea bass.

I got a smaller spainsh mackeral and a 25# king mackeral. The King was on 10# line on a light outfit. The guide was pumped about it and said it was his seacond biggest King ever. I guess the Jacob's 7# and my King were both like a citation type fish? All I know is it fought for a good 20+ minutes and I was as glad as the fish for the fight to be over, well almost since the guide hit it with the gaff!

This is my second trip with this guy, anyone heading that way and want his contact info let me know. He is a blast to fish with and knows his stuff.
Last trip we booked a 1/2 day and got 5 sharks

For us inches guys not weight a 25# King was somewhere between 50-55"