View Full Version : Salmon Fishing

06-27-2010, 05:57 PM
well here it is, i said i would post how my first trip out salmon fishing in the UP went. I didn't end up fishing out from Escanaba, we got a few good reports from fairport and had heard nothing concrete from there yet. I had never been to fairport and would like to thank the friendly locals who gave us pointers on how to get out safely and avoid rock piles. Even had a guy offer to let us fallow him and gave us a radio channel to reach him since we were in a 16' boat if anything went wrong.
We headed out friday night and went 4 for 6 on Kings and got a bonus splake. Our two best fish (14 and 10#) came on 10 color lead with wonderbread glow spoon. We got our 2 smaller fish (7 and 3#) and lost another on the rigger 55 down with a green magnum glow spoon. We broke off on what felt like a good fish on 300' copper with a purple glow alewife spoon. The splake was about 2 pounds and came 80' back on a slide diver with a mixed veggie spoon. Didn't realize till we came in and talked to people that a splake was a rare catch in that area so that was a nice treat. Fished the first bank we reached and tried to stay away from alot of the other boats since we were running boards. We were south of the masses of boats. Started out in 100 fow and worked in to 70 fow and it got later.
I wouldn't say were hammered them but we stayed busy, i would call the trip a success when it was our first trip to a new area in the smallest boat on the water.
Thanks to everyone for the kindness and useful advice, i hope to get up there again soon

06-27-2010, 06:01 PM
o yeah forgot, the only thing that didn't get touched all night was the meat rig with the fresh 6" alewife that we caught on little bay thursday night fishing for walleye. First one i have ever caught fishing and figured it was a sign know we were going salmon fishing the next night but it didn't happen. He still in the brine to be fished another day though.
P.S. Got one 20" walleye off gladstone fishing shallow around midnight

06-28-2010, 07:04 AM
Thanks for the Report and yup, thats a successfull evening on the water for sure!
Maybe Lloyd and I can sneak down there later this week and take a shot at some of those big fish!