View Full Version : Flatlanders invasion on Baystore Camp

07-04-2010, 06:05 PM
Hi Frank,hope you and Laura are doing well. As you know, I'm unable to make the trip this year with the usual cast of characters, what a bummer. Health issues are keeping me from joining the group, however Kyle and I are planning for next year. And I think some old faces may be joining us. I'm sure camp has been preped for the weeman. I need to see some pics when the crew get there. Dick, sorry to here about your motor, hope there's not to much damage, those rocks play hell with skeggs. Hopefully with all rain recieved rocks won't be a problem for the guys when they get there. Has there been any action at my favorite fishin hole. Well gotta go, talk to ya soon. Good luck to all the Flatlanders, weeman if you go there ( scruggsbay ) they will eat!

07-04-2010, 09:56 PM
Hey,sorry to hear you're not coming this year.Bummer.
Lake levels are good and other than a few rocks we've put out for the
Lil guy,everyone should be fine.I'm aware of one fish out of your Bay only.Weed growth down a bit there but appears to be coming along as of about 4 days ago.Should be good for the boys.
My motor is fine,shame the boat sunk though.
No,all is fine except my ego.
See you next year!

Muskie Junkie
07-06-2010, 10:25 AM
Thanks Tim, Pat and I will pay a few visits to Scruggs Bay and see if any of your pets are around. :D The Flatlanders will be arriving in (4) days and (2) hours. Hope the winds are not too bad coming over with a full boat. DP, thanks for putting those rocks out. I at least hope that they make a big enough reef to fish once I smack them with the lower unit. :rolleyes: Sorry to hear your boat is sunk. I guess one of those bilge pump thingy's would maybe a good idea. As Tim mentioned, our group is not as big this year but I fully expect we will be near "normal" levels next year.


07-07-2010, 08:23 PM
You can stay at the dock-heck I'll let you cast from my boat while its parked.Had you done it today you'd have a 48 and god knows what else.Yes,behind my boat,by the gas tank.
They were going today,even I got close to ringing it and my wifes third cast of the year got a 'ringer' half way to the boat.Wish I could have fished more.Two more 48s I've heard of and many others so suspect with prime time yet to come and all boats out suspect we'll have a ringer or 2.(and here I sit typing.:()

07-07-2010, 08:50 PM
Walked down to make sure my boat got gassed up.No one in yet but Jake(dock boy)had just used my stick to measure a 36 inch northern.Yup,same spot,right behind my boat by the gas tank.Something obviously is going on there.Would 'bilge' from the barge be chum?The bilge does empty right there.
Whatever,bet it will be a crowded dock tomorrow.Maybe I should save gas yet still fish from my boat?????
The guest who caught the 48 there has pics,hopefully Frankie can post one.

Muskie Junkie
07-08-2010, 07:37 AM
Fish from the dock? So if you cast off the otherside of the barge, are casting into Canadian waters or Minnesota? DP, sorry to hear Betsy lost a good one. Get her back out so she can redeem herself. I am sure the netman had nothing to do with that....... The Flatlanders are packed and ready to roll tomorrow. Looks like weather will not be an issue coming in on Saturday. Dave, Derek and Chris and going to drive in from Morrison so if should be smooth sailing for them. The rest of us will do the usual from Young's bay. See you in a few days. Sully marked my map with all your hotspots so we can race to them like we did last August.


Tim Kelly
07-08-2010, 07:53 AM
Have fun Flaties. Look forward to hearing the reports.

07-08-2010, 09:21 PM
Update:no 50s yesterday with the biggest being a 49.5.Caught by the same guy that got the 48 from the dock who was 'limping around'nearby with a cracked back up prop on his Bullet.The motor takes a special prop and none available anywhere nearby.
Today was a dream day but only one boat in(47.5 their biggest)so no idea on biggies.Guess I'm a numbers guy this year.Bottom line:think you guys are going to hit it just right.

07-09-2010, 03:36 PM
Frank and Dick; Would you please keep us poor people back home here who couldn't make it up there this year posted on the progress of the boys as they fish through out the week? Thanks in advance. Dick Estes @"52"inch dick.

07-09-2010, 04:00 PM
Hi Dick!
Will try although I'll be home in SoDak most of the week the way it looks.:(
The good news in that is that all muskie 'rampages' take place in my absence.
Sorry you didn't make it!

07-09-2010, 11:03 PM

07-12-2010, 11:57 AM
Heard last night that Wally H. caught his NEW personal best . . . 46.5" Congratulations Wally! Now go top it again!

07-12-2010, 12:36 PM
Talked to a few guys the day they arrived but that was it til I was on the way in this noon.(they are going to bed when I'm going out :))Saw Steve and Pat and it sounds good.Pat got his PB ysterday,Chris was leading with a 49 and Gene S had a 48 and on and on.
Would bet on 50(s) today with it being calm and a monster storm coming.Sure worked for me today.:)

07-12-2010, 08:21 PM
Saw just a couple pairs this afternoon in Camp.Gene and Ted got a 45 and a 40 Pike bonus.
Kevin got his PB(unsure what that was)and he had lost the same fish before I guess.
I'll be sleeping when the rest get in.Some biggies I bet.Heard some are fishing til midnight.Glad I'm scared of the dark.

07-13-2010, 05:23 PM
I think 28 fish total as of last nite.
Kevin's PB was a 49.
Hopefully lots more today.

Frank Walsh
07-13-2010, 07:55 PM
Here's Matt's 48 inch "dock fish", and his 49 1/2 inch "broken prop" fish.

Think I'll knock blade or two off my prop.

07-14-2010, 10:11 AM
Sounds like about 10 more fish yesterday.
Wally set another new PB with a 48 and a new PB pike with a 40+.Sounds like 4-5 guys have 5 or more so....
Heading home in a few minutes so afraid thats it from me. Talked to Steve and he'll try get online and continue reporting.
Good fishing!

07-15-2010, 09:37 AM
Heard from Jerry today . . . Flatlanders are enjoying great fishing!
As of yesterday - 47 Muskies caught! 24 over 40"es! Jerrys new PB is leading for longest Musky = 51 1/16"! His partner Wally H. has beat his PB TWICE with a 46 1/2" & 48"! Sounds like Dave J. is leading with most points, followed by Chris R.
Two days fishing left . . . Go get 'em Flatlanders!!

07-15-2010, 09:56 AM
Yeh and only half,or less,as many guys in the group as normally.Sweet.:)

07-16-2010, 08:40 AM
Yesterday Very windy! A total of 6 Muskies caught.
Steve R. = 39.5"
Ted U. = 42"
Jerry O. = 42", 42", 42", and 48.5"
Looks like the race for most points just added a new player!
Strong winds again today.
Last day Flatties . . . DO, or DIE!!!
Can't wait to hear the story of Dave getting bit in the tummy by a Musky!!
Wally also bit in the arm! Flatties=53 Muskies=2

07-16-2010, 02:51 PM
Sure hope you guys leave some for Carol & I next week>

Muskie Junkie
07-19-2010, 11:03 AM
I will provide a complete breakdown of the Flatlander trip tonight. Tried last night but could not get logged in.:( Probably due to Ruhmann error. :rolleyes:


Muskie Junkie
07-19-2010, 08:33 PM
It sure is funny when a person types in the right password that they are able to log in and post.:o

Well the Flatlanders had another wonderful trip to the Baystore. Thanks again go out to Laura and Frank for their hospitality and Jake for his expert docksmanship. The trip this year was a tremendous success. First, everyone in camp boated at least one fish. Second, the weather was fantastic with fish showing up both in the weeds and a few on the rocks.
Listed below is how everyone did. I would just like to make a trip sometime where the wind didn't blow at 30+ MPH for 3 days. There were several personal bests. I will try to list them all but I am sure I will miss something. Please note the small fraction of inches was a running joke on some of the fish. However Jerry Oestreich's 51 1/16 was a legit 1/16 over 51.

Art Matlock - 42, personal best
Mark Johnson - 37, 46, 38

Ted Ustich - 32 1/16, 45, 42
Gene Seuring - 34, 32, 48, 45, 42

Wally Haas - 46.5 personal best, 48 newer personal best, 38, 34 - total fish personal best for the LOTW trip
and a 401/8 inch pike - personal best and big rough fish for the week
Jerry Oestreich - 37, 38, 40, 38, 51 1/16 perosnal best, 42, 42, 42, 48 1/2, 42 1/2, 40, 38, 36 1/2 - total fish personal best for the LOTW trip

Jack Pertz - 39, 40, 34, 41, 44 - total fish personal best for the LOTW trip
Kevin Stenzel - 39, 49 personal best, 38, 39 1/2 - total fish personal best for the LOTW trip

Dave Jack - 39, 40, 35, 45 1/2, 42 3/4, 39 1/2, 44, 45, 47 1/2 49 1/2 - total fish personal best for the LOTW trip
Derek Ward - 41, 45 1/2
Chris Riebe - 41 1/2, 49, 38, 41, 37, 39 1/2,

Pat Brugman - 42 personal best
Steve Ruhmann - 36, 45, 37 1/2, 35 1/2, 40, 44 1/2, 39 1/2, 36 1/2 - total fish personal best for the LOTW trip

Total fish for the trip, 65 or a 5 fish per fisherman average.

I also want to thank Frank for leaving a little surprise in my boat most mornings which we shared with the rest of the group. These little items were a big hit.

See all of you next year and good luck to those who are currently up there and those going. The big fish are starting to show up. :D

Steve Ruhmann

07-20-2010, 01:04 PM
Nice job guys. Congratulations! I like the 1/16" thing. Ted's 32 1/16" must have been a nice fish! Hopefully Pat had fun in the waves with those winds. I'll bet Jack didn't have the "no fish' pose for the picture this year, huh? What was the deal with the mean fish this year? First Dave getting it in the gut and then "ole Blue" getting it again.

Nice job.


07-20-2010, 02:14 PM
Nice job Flatties. Some awsome personal bests being topped this year. Sounds like the new guys might be hooked into goin back next year. Imagine the numbers had we had a full crew. Gotta here the story behind Dave's big bite. What are we goin to do to keep Wally from being scard every year. These numbers should bring guy's back next year. Can't wait!

07-21-2010, 06:50 AM

I also want to thank Frank for leaving a little surprise in my boat most mornings which we shared with the rest of the group. These little items were a big hit.

See all of you next year and good luck to those who are currently up there and those going. The big fish are starting to show up. :D

Steve Ruhmann

I saw a lab leave a little surprise in someone's boat one morning at Young's Bay. :)