View Full Version : paddlefish found.....

07-05-2010, 06:29 PM
I was out this morning musky fishing and happened to come across a 51'' paddlefish. I made multiple attempts to contact the PFBC but no luck. With the weather there was no way for me to keep the fish without a rotting mess before to long If anyone knows someone to contact just to report it this I would appreciate it.

Red Childress
07-12-2010, 08:00 AM
A fisheries biologist from the Allegheny National Forest Service saw this post and contacted the NYDEC (who was responsible for the stocking of paddlefish in Kinzua) about this situation. Apparently, all paddlefish are encoded with a wire tag in their snouts for age determination. The NYDEC wanted me to find Josh (McDunnoftheAllegheny) to see where the fish was so they could retrieve the tag.

After a phone call with a mutual friend of Josh and I, Josh went back and found the fish. Due to the severity of decomposition, Josh decided to saw off the snout so he could transport it easier. Finally, Josh and I connected on Saturday so he placed the snout in a very easy to find area. I just emailed the biologist with the exact location of the snout so they can retrieve it.

The moral of the story is if anyone happens to run across any dead paddlefish, try to contact the NYDEC (or post on this board or call my cell) with details.

Personally, I think it was a very cool thing that Josh and his buddy did by going back and dealing with the horrendous smell while they sawed away at the snout so the NYDEC could retrieve the tag. There was no reward being offered but these 2 guys spent their precious weekend fishing time just to help the cause.

As soon as I hear back from the NYDEC, I will post an update.

Red Childress
07-12-2010, 10:25 AM
The ANF biologist found snout and the NYDEC will have it in possession by mid-week.

Mission accomplished.

07-12-2010, 10:36 AM
I think this is a pretty interesting story. I saw this and read that the paddlefish was native to the watershed and now they are trying to reintroduce the species? Is that right Red? Do you know anything more about these fish? They look like they'd put up a hell of a fight.


Red Childress
07-12-2010, 10:47 AM
I remember when they put them in the Reservoir several years back and have heard a few reports of guys seeing them in the "lake" swimming just under the surface. I found 2 dead ones last summer within 10 feet of each other that had passed through the gates and washed up on shore but I had no idea they were implanted with the wire tags.

After I found those dead ones, I saw a much larger one several weeks later still live in one of my favorite musky spots that was scarred up pretty badly from (what I assume) passing through the Kinzua gates. We thought it was a giant musky at first glance. We followed it around for a few minutes so my clients could snap a few photos and I have not seen her since.

As for having any information about the history of them in this part of the state, I have nothing to offer.

07-12-2010, 04:12 PM
Thanks for the info Red.

Red Childress
07-12-2010, 05:38 PM
I copied this from an email I received today....more info from NYDEC pertaining to Paddlefish.

__________________________________________________ ________

Hi, Thanks for your helping with the paddlefish, I am the Biologist that is trying to restore paddlefish to the upper Allegheny River. We currently have forty paddlefish implanted with radio transmitter, 16 have gone down thru the dam and we are tracking below the dam on a weekly bases. If anyone finds a paddlefish they can e-mail or phone this office (716)372-0645 and we will make arrangements to pick up the fish.

Thanks again


07-12-2010, 05:47 PM
I'm glad there's alot of positive feedback from this, I didn't lose out on the fishing too much still managed to have a pretty good weekend, no musky though......

07-12-2010, 07:35 PM
Great story and hats off to you all for the mission being accomplished !! That's what fishing and life in general are all about, helping each other in any way we can. I didn't know they were stocked around here and have never seen one in person.

07-13-2010, 09:01 AM
I just typed in paddlefish into google and this site came up from the PA fish commission if anyone is interested.


07-13-2010, 03:00 PM
I watched a show on the outdoor network, they were fishing for paddlefish in the Missouri river (I think) and since they only eat plankton, and the occasional mayfly, they only way to catch them was to snag them.

HEAVY gear, and BIG BIG BIG treble hooks RIPPED through the current.

It was very weird to see people fishing like that.

07-13-2010, 08:45 PM
I saw that show, but on the sportsman's channel down my way.

That was crazy how many boats were zig-zagging across the water so close together... everyone ripping their rods. It didn't look like much fun to me.

They've turned up in the locks down here on the Mon River during biologist samplings. WV DNR stocks (stocked) them upstream and they eventually make their way into PA. Very rare though.

07-14-2010, 11:39 PM
40 of them are tagged and 16 have gone through the gates. Maybe they should be renamed as Suicide Fish. As for people snagging them that really sucks. I really hate snagging so I won't get up any farther on that soapbox.

07-17-2010, 10:18 AM
I agree on the snagging, It just doesn't seem right to me at all, I go to erie and steelhead fish alot and I see it all the time up there... cheaters.