View Full Version : Tionesta

Red Childress
07-06-2010, 04:37 PM
Tionesta water temp was 77 at 8am and by 12:30pm had surprisingly moved to 85 degrees so we quit to not risk mortality. I run a split screen on my graph when trolling and my temp gauge is not visible when my GPS and sonar are simultaneously visible. I am glad I switched over and checked my temp gauge before we (possibly) caught a fish.

Just letting you guys know in case anyone is planning a trip there in the near future. Charlie and I had planned on camping there for 3 days next week but that looks pretty grim at the moment. Might be a Kinzua outing unless things change drastically.

We need rain badly.

07-07-2010, 06:11 AM
A little off subject Red but you should be able to see temp whenever you run your split screen. I have mine displayed. I assume you are running a Lowrance. Just go to your "overlay data" and you can select whatever you want to show. I always have speed, temp, volts, local time, and latitude and longitude coordinates showing on my screen at all times. Some of those are on the gps side and some are on the sonar side. Temp will be on the sonar side.

Red Childress
07-07-2010, 07:35 AM
I guess it sounded like I did not know how to put the temp gauge on the split screen function but I just choose not to show it. The point I was trying to make was just how surprised I was to see the temps climb so high in just a 4 hour period. Normally (on Tionesta) I have only seen the temps climb 2-4 degrees over the course of the day during summer. By day's end yesterday, they could have easily jumped 10 degrees by late-afternoon. Max temp last summer was 77.

I heard Chautuaqua temps were 82 yesterday.

It has been flat out hot and miserable this week for sure. Thanks for the help.

07-07-2010, 10:31 AM
It sure has been hot but looks like a little relief is coming Friday and this weekend.

07-07-2010, 11:08 AM
East Branch was 82.5 yesterday (tuesday) and as soon as the sun dropped below the mountain it dropped to 79 like a rock. I would assume that is the actual temp and the high temp is just the little on the surface. It sure didn't feel like 82 degrees.

No worries on catching fish there though, skunked again!!!! lol...

07-07-2010, 01:01 PM
We camped at Tionesta July 4th weekend and ended just swimming the whole weekend. If you dive down just a couple feet you can definately feel the temperature drop dramatically, but that is in the deeper end by the dam. The shallow areas in the northern "no wake" zone were probably very hot. I did see a guy catch a 30" musky right in front of our camp. He pulled it into his boat, wrestled with it for 5-10 minutes, grabbed it by the bottom lip with some sort of pliers, held it upright for several pictures and then tossed it back after about 15 minutes. Needless to say, I don't think that one is going to make it.

07-07-2010, 02:13 PM
That's just sad. Some of these fisherman dont have a clue on how to handle a ski. Wish there was a way to educate them. I think every fisherman should have to answer a questionair before the purchase of a license. I also think that a Muskie stamp is a good idea also. Hate to see that 30 incher become a floater.

Joe M
07-07-2010, 03:00 PM
That sucks. That lake has a very high mortality rate. Either like the story you told or people keeping every one they catch. That guy should be fined. If it is not of legal size it should be released immediately I believe. No wonder those turtles are getting so big up there.

Red Childress
07-07-2010, 03:02 PM
A guy (maybe the same guy) who caught the 30" ski (told me it was 29.5) showed me a pic of it at the boat launch last Saturday afternoon.

We had 3 rips that day and lost what felt like a very big fish after 6 seconds of head shaking and line ripping.

I also just got off with a friend of mine who lives on Chautauqua and he said he counted 10 dead muskies on the water yesterday. Hopefully they were just mishandled and not a signal of a larger problem.

07-09-2010, 07:21 PM
You guys were in my area and i was out of town working or we could have hooked up and said howdy and/or drank a cold one. Was in the Philly area all week and wed it was about 105 while working in an asphalt parking lot. I think i lost 5 or 6 lbs this week sweating. Hoping to cast a line this weekend but i'm thinking night fishing would be better.

w pa muskie bound
07-11-2010, 02:09 PM
we got there at 6 in the morning. went up to nebraka bidge ,water temp was74.5,water was real dirty so we fished the main lake,which was 81 surface temp.caught a real nice 45 in. it took off fast ,as soon as it hit the water it swam away on release. no pics because we forgot may phone and camera in the truck. i forgot to take my fishing glasses of before i went to drive home,so i went back to boat lifted cover up got my glasses and took my hat off which had my lisc. on and sat it on top of cover,changed out glasses fixed the cover back up drove home relized i didn't have my hat.i drove up today and no hat was turned into ranger office.got it three weeks ago and the last two trips i caught fish.lucky hat gone.