View Full Version : LBDN Pike?

07-07-2010, 11:50 AM
Hey guys,

With all of the storms lately, my walleye fishing has been kind of tough to do. I just don’t have the guts to run ten miles south of the Ford in a 16.5 foot tiller when there are storms in the area, and that is the way that I like to fish.

Anyway, since I have been staying within the bay over the last few times out, I’ve been thinking about the big pike that I know are in here. I’ve never really targeted pike much on LBDN, but if I could get into some nice pike it would be a lot more fun than the little walleyes. The problem is that, since I haven’t fished for pike in LBDN, I don’t know where to start.

I’ve heard that years back people got huge pike between Esky and Portage point in the summertime. However, I went out there and there are no weeds along that drop-off anymore, so there weren’t any pike. I also tried casting in by the Esky ore docks because there are some nice weeds in there, but I didn’t catch anything. Anyway, I know that this is a bad time of year to try and catch them because the water in the shallow weeds is to warm for anything bigger than a hammer-handle. However, I would like to give it an honest try anyway. Does anyone have some info that would help me get started?

I know there is a nice weed line at Black Bottom that drops quickly into 40+ FOW. Has anyone caught big pike in that area? How about by the Esky lighthouse; I know there are weeds there? Where do you guys think I should fish during this bad time of year for the best chance at a forty incher? What kind of baits, lures, and methods work best? Any other ideas?

Thanks for any help.:)

07-07-2010, 08:49 PM
A friend and I are catching six to twelve pike per half-day trip (last trip Mon. 7-5) using the following tactic: Set up a rod/reel suitable for pike with 20 to 40 pound test, thin diameter, no stretch (high tech.) line. The terminal end is a slip float rig using a large Thill float about four to five inches long, cigar shaped, tapered on both ends, and about an inch in diameter in the middle.

Put a string style float stopper on the line. Pass the line through the float, then pass it through a one-half ounce egg sinker. Next, tie on a twelve to eighteen inch very thin wire steel leader that has two #4 or #6 treble hooks on it. One hook is at the end of the leader and the other can be set any distance above the end hook. You now have a free-sliding slip float that will stop wherever you set the string style float stopper. I set the stop anywhere from four to seven feet up the line (four feet for shallower weeds, and seven for deeper growth).

My best action has come from using small suckers I buy at Bay View. Put one hook through the lips and the other into the top of the sucker's back. Pitch this rig out not far from the boat and let it "fish itself".

With a second rod, cast large floating style Lewis Rat-L-Trap lures, large Mepps spinners, big floating Rapalas, or even big buzz baits designed for bass. Rat-L-Traps are my favorite but all will work. The secret is to cast them out past where your slip float is drifting and let the lure attract pike toward the sucker. Sometimes they slam the lure. Other times you will be reeling the lure in and when it gets close to the float, following pike will grab the sucker. This is an active way of finding and attracting fish. On calm days I drift and on rougher days I anchor, fan cast around the boat, and move frequently. You can troll one-ounce sinking Rat-L-Traps to find pike, then anchor to work them. All the areas you mentioned are good possibilities. The massive weed flats at Black Bottom or off Kipling will keep you busy all season. Good luck out there!

07-07-2010, 09:25 PM
Here is a sure fire way to catch pike. I works for me every time. Go after walleyes, you'll catch pike.

07-08-2010, 01:06 PM
Thanks for the reply, raywriter. That is some good information. I always thought that the weeds at Black Bottom looked pikey, but I have never caught one there while fishing for walleyes like I have in other places, so I wasn’t sure if it would be worth it or not. Do you get any big pike in the 30-40 inch range there?

Also, you are right, needham. Anytime you fish for walleyes in or around weeds you are going to catch pike. I do. The only thing is that they are usually the sub-legal hammer-handles, at least for me they are.

Anyway, thanks for the info guys!