View Full Version : Ford River??

07-07-2010, 07:46 PM
Was wondering what its like coming out of the Ford as far as depth and how good its marked never been out of that launch any info would be greatly appreciated??

07-08-2010, 12:49 PM
With all of the rain lately, the water level in the Ford is way up, so there really aren’t any hazards that I am aware of in the river. There used to be one giant rock that worried me, but that shouldn’t be a problem right now as long as your motor is trimmed up.

I’m not saying that it isn’t tricky to get out of Ford. If you have never been there before you should pick your way out of there very slowly and carefully until you get a good GPS trail to follow. There are still a lot of shallow spots that you could get hung up on, but once you know where they are it is a piece of cake to get out of there!

Everyone seems to have their own way of doing it. I usually go really close to the old dock/pilings and then aim straight up the middle from there. The shallowest I see is 1.4 feet.

Good luck to ya!