View Full Version : How is the WILD GROUP doing

07-19-2010, 09:10 PM
Just wondering how the wild group is fairing this week so far?

Frank Walsh
07-20-2010, 11:05 AM
Fair is a good choice of words. Fish have got a bit tentative the last few days. Lots of followers, and short hitters. Don't know if it's the weather, or pressure from the previous week. Probably a bit of both.

Todd & John had a four fish day their first day.

Frank Walsh
07-21-2010, 10:57 PM
Things looking pretty good. As you read elsewhere, Norm got a 49 1/2 last night. His partner Dave got a 50 1/2 today, and Shep nailed a 49 as well today. Bruce and Tyler, and Todd and John are posting quite a few numbers.

Todd Forcier
07-22-2010, 06:26 PM
It's been going good at least for John and I. As of today we have 19 fish in the boat. Size has ranged from 36 to 49 1/2. Mostly on double 10's and what John calls retro lure being a Boo Tail.

Dave, who is on cloud nine right now...due to setting his personal best at 44 1/2 then he beat that with a 50 1/2.

Shep got a nice 49 (with a little help from Frank) and Landy has a few.

Tyler has a 47 1/2 in the boat with Bruce catching more rock than fish right now.

I'm sure the guys will be giving a full report once everyone gets back.

Attached are some of the photos.

Todd Forcier
07-22-2010, 06:55 PM
Here's Norm's 49 1/2 and Dave's (the bell ringer) 50 1/2. :D

I can't get these to down load. I'll have Frank down load them.

Frank Walsh
07-22-2010, 08:30 PM
Just ask..............

Todd Forcier
07-25-2010, 01:51 PM
Ok, here are our totals for last week and what a week it was.
We had four boats with a grand total of 50 muskies caught.
The breakdown of the muskies caught:
39 over 40 inches
24 over 44 inches
13 over 46 inches
8 over 48 inches
5 over 49 inches
1 over 50 inches
Fish were caught on rocks and weeds and combinations of both rocks & weeds.
Bay Store Camp...BEST musky camp on Lake of the Woods :D!

Todd Forcier
07-25-2010, 01:59 PM
Some photos from Bruce and Tyler...

Todd Forcier
07-25-2010, 02:10 PM
a few more from the Bruce's camera...

Todd Forcier
07-25-2010, 02:34 PM
Here's a few more from Norm & Dave...

Todd Forcier
07-25-2010, 02:41 PM
Once again Dave's 50 1/2 incher, the release and the "Bell" ceremony. From all of us...congratulations!!

Todd Forcier
07-25-2010, 03:02 PM
Tim and Landy take Frank out fishing. Tim hooks into a really big fish. Frank, the great net man that he is, is ready. Frank goes to net this really big fish and that's when trouble starts...see Frank almost loses the fish. However, he makes a great recovery and Tim gets to hold this beautiful musky. It measured just over 49 inches.

Todd Forcier
07-25-2010, 03:28 PM
some more fish from John and I.
We've all been there, when you add a little to much to that cast. Next thing you know your in the rocks and you can't get the boat close. It's your favorit lure and your forced to get wet. As you can see I got my lure back...:D