View Full Version : Interesting thought.................

07-21-2010, 07:07 PM
How much would you pay if you could know exactly where a possible world record musky was (say 60+ incher)?...... Say if it was confined to a 50-100 acre area and could not leave that area?

I know that is still a very large area but definately manageable. Also, you would be the only person that knew it was there.

Just thought this was a interesting thought and was wondering what people would pay to know this information?......... :)

07-21-2010, 11:45 PM
Basically what i was asking is if someone came to you and said "hey, there is this small lake (100 acres that connects to a large lake) that has a world record in it and i'll tell you where it is for the right price" what would you pay/give up to know this lake or part of lake? and yes, there really is a world record there he is not pulling a fast one on you.

Not a tough question........just would like to hear what people would do/pay/give up to know this info.....

07-22-2010, 07:20 AM
Having a world record is not that important to me, I fish Musky for fun and recreation and the self abuse it inflicts on me. hahahaha While I would dearly love to stumble upon such a fish myself...

I would not be inclined to pay for such information.

07-22-2010, 08:19 AM
go to almost any resort on any lake that has muskies in it and they will tell you about the 70# to 100# muskie that the DNR netted. info is free

with some of the management tools in some states now in place and fishermen now more ethical, I think the record will fall


07-22-2010, 08:35 AM
I would pay at least 5 maybe even 6 bucks but I would expect a shot of Jameson and Miller Lite in return!!!

07-22-2010, 08:58 AM
Why would said person be offering to you instead of fishing for iit themselves? Personally catching a world record would be cool to one extent but hearing from tons of people that tell you what you should have done afterwards or the questioning of disbelief afterwards.... is it really worth it. I don't think a person would make as much money as some may think with catching a world record fish.

On the flip side of it. I would highly doubt it would be myself to catch it anyways. I have had a history of blowing big fish (getting better). Now put a potential world record...it could be ugly with equipement broke or thrown into the water out of frustration. Good luck fishing.

07-22-2010, 11:07 AM
I'll let you guys know where its at after I boat that hog this fall.

07-22-2010, 11:08 AM
................Wearing a dress of course

Ty Sennett
07-22-2010, 12:48 PM
I'm going to apologize for Alonzo Bucks comment. There is nothing wrong with asking this question Jax. What the heck, a guys gotta dream right?

I guess we pay about 800 dallars per person for a week in Canada for a shot at mostly low fifty inch fish so I would definitely pay more for a shot at a world record. Hopefully I get to catch a few others in the process. Fishing all week for one fish would be tough but worth it if it's world record.

Dave H
07-24-2010, 09:57 AM
I will give you one millllion dollars for said fish!