View Full Version : Chicago opens locks to let flood water flow freely into lake Michigan!

Mike P
07-25-2010, 07:31 AM
Well with all the heavy rains down here, Chicago in it's infinite wisdom opened the locks fully to let all of the untreated sewage and flood waters out into beautiful Lake Michigan.

Is it only me wondering what else they let into the lake with all of that water. Anybody paying attention?

Nah, couldn't happen, guess I must have too vivid an imagination.

07-25-2010, 10:21 AM
Dont you guys have those snakeheads and asian carp down there? Are they letting those get into lake michigan with this release of water?

Mike P
07-26-2010, 06:07 AM
I don't know about Snakeheads but yes they do have Asian Carp in the river, supposedly they "Asian Carp" are far enough away from the opening of the locks to Lake Michigan . I have to think and "think" being the keyword here that you don't suppose any Asian Carp could get into Lake Michigan with the flooding and the locks being fully open to Lake Michigan now do you? Nah not a chance!

Nice to know that the government has things well in hand, I feel much better knowing that, don't you?.

07-26-2010, 09:47 AM
It is amazing to think that the very cause of their (Asian Carp) infestation was flooding of farm ponds in the South. Now flooding could enhance their infestation in our waters. That is just great.

07-26-2010, 10:37 AM
While we need to doing everything we can NOW to stem the movement of these fish, we're really arguing about a horse that was let out of the barn a long time ago. The real problem is why these fish were allowed to be brought here ON PURPOSE about 50 years.

Blaming current government is feeble. This problem overtook us decades ago. That isn't a white flag (as I've said, we now have to scramble to do whatever) but it's a fact.

Kinda like CWD in the deer herd. Why does that issue exist at all in Michigan? Because outside deer were allowed--on purpose, mind you--to be brought into the State.

Mike P
07-26-2010, 03:47 PM
What the point is is not that blaming the "government' is feeble like mentioned in the previous post. What the point is that there needs to be an immediate solution by the "government" BEFORE the Asian Carp enters Lake Michigan through the locks . The locks should be closed permanently , not left open like the "government " decided by their latest ruling by the Obama administration.

What would be worse? Asian carp inhabiting all the Great lakes in years to come disrupting the ecosystem and affecting the billion dollar sport fishing industry? Or affecting the lives of people around the Chicago locks. and local shipping using them. Surely we could resolve the shipping problem easier than dealing with 50 lb fish that launch themselves out of the water and eat 30% of there body weight daily in aquatic vegetation. I mean does anybody in the Obama administration understand the severity of the plague we may have to deal with.

Feeble ? Do they get the big picture or do they care ? I have to guess not otherwise this would have been addressed with a permanant solution. Not just croosing their fingers and "hope " the electric barrier works This flooding is another example of why this already should have been solved. Or did the boys who are supposed to be protecting the common good fail to think about flooding and flat out opening the locks might have to be figured into the equation? They were presented with the problem by Michigan and Wisconsin politicians who are on the ball, and they just decided to use a band aid approach!

Somebody needs to wake up! Before its too late!

07-26-2010, 04:09 PM

I wasn't referencing anyone who participated in this thread...rather just the general stories I've been reading where all shades of the political spectrum are trying to score points on the issue when, in fact, we're all to blame.

You've made some great points.

I did catch the National Geographic special today...very interesting (and depressing).

07-26-2010, 09:03 PM
Mr. Big (from the White House) is not going to do anything that the Mayor doesn't what to do. He is beholding to the shi. town machine, he will go down in history as the nut case that turned the great lakes into one big carp pond. He talks one thing and does another, he cares nothing about the sportman or the fishing that so many people enjoy. Shi town comes first and always will. The cold hard truth is he just don't give a carp about the lakes.

07-26-2010, 09:20 PM
This one sums it all up!