View Full Version : Shell Station Fishing license price?

07-30-2010, 01:38 PM
Well after seeing this webpage I started wondering about what the Shell Station at Sprague charges for fishing licenses.


I'm probably missing something, or am unaware of a surcharge or something, but I bought an 8-day conservation license and paid $30 for it. They also said I must pay in cash, which from what I can recall I've been told that several times in years past. I'm not exactly worried about the $2.29 more than the government listed website price, but just curious to see if they are charging the $30 correctly, or if they've simply decided to tack it on for their own private service fee or something. Like I said, I'm sure this is all on the up and up and completely legal and such, but if it is some sort of self applied service fee I'd like them to at least inform me of that.

I completely understand that they are there to make a living, and all the guys who go through there and buy only a license doesn't exactly help pay the bills, but does take up a considerable amount of their time. I have no problem paying a service charge like, because where else am I going to get a license that is less out of the way, but like I said just want to know that it is being charged honorably and/or legally.

I know it is petty and stupid to think about stuff like this, let alone bring it up on the site, but despite curiosity killing cats and such, I just wanted to see if I was missing something. Really the, "must pay in cash" thing actually bothers me more than the extra $2.29, as I'm not one to carry cash, even on trips, and always wondered why this was the case.


07-30-2010, 02:17 PM
Probably just easier to charge $30 US than to figure the exchange rate.

I ordered mine by phone two weeks before we left, and while they say it takes 4 weeks, I got my license in 6 days by mail. I'd have to look at my CC statement, but the license says the fee was $25.75.

Landy got his at the Shell, and I think it was $30 even.

08-18-2010, 09:56 PM
So what would that make the sport fishing license? I think it lists for $41 on the website.

I called them yesterday and was told it would take 3-4 weeks, so i guess we will wait for the Shell station. Cash only huh?

We will be staying on Oak Island the week of September 4-11.

Ummm, cant wait.

Frank Walsh
08-19-2010, 06:42 AM
You don't have to be a Timothy Geithner (ha...ha...ha) to figure this out. The issuing fee on a license is squat. In some cases, maybe a buck. If I take a Canadian credit card, my fees are very close to 10%. Do the math......

Same with the exchange rate. One would have to be an arbitrage expert to keep abreast of the current exchange rates. Where's the profit if you sell a license today, and the rate changes before the money arrives in your account? Also banks charge 2%-4% to convert your money between U.S. and Canadian.

I don't blame the guy for not accepting credit cards, and hedging his conversion rate.

08-19-2010, 08:43 AM
Tyler and I got our 8 day conservation license at the Shell station with Shep/Landy July 17th, and I think we paid 30 bucks.

It's a handy place to get it of course.

You can get RABC permits at the Rainy lake customs station there by Baudette, which we did. If you go about 1 mile into Ontario past the Rainy River station there's a gas station on the right which also sells licenses.

Only minor inconvenience is US customs will ask you to let them peer under you boat cover as you cross back in, and it goes quick. We've done that before too. If Tyler continues to outfish me, next time I am leaving him there.

This trip, while at the Sprague Shell station I asked the attendant at the counter if they had an 8-day "Conversation" license in addition to the Conservation license. He looked at me breifly with a slight glare then said "What is a Conversation license"?

I responded, "The 8-day Conversation license allows one to arrive at the dock at the end of each day and while holding conversation you are allowed to stretch all fishing stories into tales including fish of fictitious, rather enourmous, proportions. good for 8-days!!" I said.

He set his pen down and looked at me with a smirk, right over the top of his glasses.

"You're on your own there...." he said.

Tyler was embarrassed, but oh how proud I was, I came up with that all by myself.


08-22-2010, 04:21 AM
I don't blame the guy for not accepting credit cards, and hedging his conversion rate.

No, you're certainly right on there. I'm not sure of the mood I was in when I brought this up, and I certainly wasn't out to win tightwad of the year honors. I just thought it was curious to fudge the price on something that is government issued. Like I said, I have no problem paying what they charge for the convenience of it, and will continue to do so until they start allowing non-residents to buy online that is. I just didn't like that it wasn't an up-front deal and that I never carry cash.


It would also be great if they offered the RABC permits at all the border crossings. Only because, I always procrastinate and don't like to go out of the way.

08-25-2010, 02:59 PM
Take it from someone that sells them. We make jack on the sale. In my case Im getting ripped by the state of Illinois. The new computer system (which sucks) can take up to 10 minutes to process. On weekends I get pretty busy. If I do 5 in an hour at .50 each. The state has me working for 2.50. Cant blaim frenchy for getting an extra buck.

Illinois Dennis
08-28-2010, 06:51 AM
Providing the lic available at the Shell station is truly a blessing and they do a great job getting you in/out; its part of the Great Northern experience.

Just imagine for a moment, they stopped selling licenses? Where would you get one and how much would it cost in lost time and gas? I sure like the convenience of the location. Yes, you can get there before they open; I have. You also can get there behind 8 vehicles full of fishermen all needing a lic.

Great little, friendly french women also can be found in the Sprague grocery store in downtown Sprague; cute too. You might want to stop in there also.

Where else can you get Ketchup Lays or Sea Salt and black pepper Lays chips or a little hottie L' Ex'ecuteur???

Entrepreneurs, thank God for them! I don't think they can be called one though. Now, if they charged $40 instead of $30, they would qualify- cause that's probably a good start for the "value" of having them perform the service. Toll road to go through Sprague? I'd pay $20.


09-01-2010, 11:10 AM
A few years ago a friend from New Jersey stayed with me at our cabin on Flag. He forgot to buy his Minn. license. We went over to FIR and they let him use their computer to buy the license on line. He was very upset that the state of Minnesota charged him a $3 "convenience fee". His point was that he was saving them money by buying on line rather than from a store. I called him a cheap something or other (which he really is) and told him I would be happy to take him back to Youngs Bay, then he could take my car in to either Roseau or Warroad to buy his license so he would not be subject to the "convenience fee". "Oh, yes, please fill my gas tank while you are there." He bought it on line but is probably still complaining about it.