View Full Version : Boatside Situation Question

08-05-2010, 09:58 PM
I was fishing on the Chippewa River tonight, casting a #20 GreenTiger Skinner using a twitch 'n pause retrieve. A good size muskie struck the bait just as I was starting a figure 8. I raised up my rod and half set the hook- the fish had immediately started rolling, wrapping the Power Pro around itself-seconds later, the fish was gone and the Salmo was in the air.

This happened to me earlier this year with a fish I boated on Chippewa Flowage and the line actually cut the fish across the back.

Now I'm hesitant, from a conservation standpoint, to really pull hard once a fish starts rolling during a boatside strike.

Any suggestions?


08-05-2010, 10:19 PM
had the same thing happen to me last year on a ghosttail, could feel the scales through the line and then poof all you have is a lure and the fish is gone. Hoped it would dart away from the boat so I could fight it but it just rolled close and there was nothing I could do but keep a tight line. Funny how you never see that happen to Joe Bucher or Meishecomber. Dean

Ty Sennett
08-08-2010, 08:50 AM
There's not much you can do in that situation. I wouldn't change a thing. Set hard and hold on!
