View Full Version : TigerMan Cometh

08-06-2010, 05:13 AM

TigerMan will be making his annual trip to the Chip this weekend to chase Muskies. As per usual, please avoid Sisters (Rudy's) Island for the next several days!

Seriously, though... With the water up, have you found any new patterns? Are they still on the usual bars - same depths? Any parts of the day you seem to be seeing consistent action?

As always, thanks for your help. I'll post a report when we get back.


Ty Sennett
08-08-2010, 08:52 AM
Things have been tough. Don't be affraid to make a normal pass through a spot and then mnake a really shallow pass through the same spot. The water level is really high. Lots of room for them to hide.

08-15-2010, 09:45 AM
Thanks, Ty:

You said it. Didn't see a musky all week - although to be fair, I only fished for them a couple hours a day.

It was tough fishing spots with so much water on them - Lots of weeds too. Never fished thick weeds in 6-10' like this before. The water came up a good foot last Saturday which made for some really murky conditions on top of it.

At least the smallmouth bass and bluegills were active and kept my girls busy most days.

Wait'll next year.