View Full Version : recent fishing report

Ty Sennett
08-08-2010, 09:12 AM
Tough! That's the report. We are seeing some fish and getting a few to hit but overall it has been tough. Make sure to take advantage of the hits you get because they are few and far between right now. We have not taken advantage of the hits lately which is part of guiding. Sometimes you remember the ones you lost more than the ones you caught anyway.

Good luck and thanks for the patience while I was out of town and not posting regularly.


Dave H
08-08-2010, 10:22 PM
Has the heavy rain & high water temps adversely affected the musky fishing? It seems the pool had been below full for many seasons. How's the weather been compared to recent past? It's been hotter then Hades down here in FIB land. Coming up in October & wonder what the long term weather patterns hold?

08-09-2010, 08:45 AM
FiB land!!! LOL it never gets old, and I for one am a proud FiB!

Maybe there is a direct correlation with how full the chip is and the tough fishing...more water = more places for muskies to hide!!!

Someone go poke a hole in the dam for the love of pete!

Ty Sennett
08-10-2010, 12:52 PM
I don't think it's the high water as much as the hot stagnant weather. There are some fish being caught but for the most part the fish are anywhere. Not much of a pattern.

08-10-2010, 05:36 PM
We had a musky league outing on Sat. the 7th from 7a.m. -12p.m. Only had 6 boats showed but 3 fish were caught. 42.5, 43.5, and 47.5. All 3 caught on bucktails right around 11 a.m. . One boat seen 6 fish. It was the first summer fishing I have done on the Chip., been out there in Nov. Here is a pict of the 42.5".

Ty Sennett
08-15-2010, 09:48 PM
Nice fish.