View Full Version : 7 to 14th Aug Report

08-15-2010, 10:18 AM
Moved fish on 7 and 8 two with bucktails, one with pacemaker, no hook ups. After the 8th the water temp got up in to 82, was very high. Fished with Ty on the 10th, he worked his tail off for us but we could not buy a follow. Had a good lesson on using the suick and tuning it which will be invaluble in the future. Fished the next day with Dave Dorazio who also worked very hard, managed to get a good northern and smallmouth on bucktails. Conditions were pretty tough and even with a number of storms going through, could not get much happening. Fished a few nights and the mosquitoes were the worse I have ever seen up here. When you swatted em you usually got five at a time. Water temps even well after sundown were in the 80's. Was the highest I have ever seen the water and green weeds most everywhere. Going back up in Sept, hopefully it will be cooler and the fish more hungry.

08-15-2010, 02:06 PM
On the 10th the fellow in the cabin next to me got a 41 incher on a bulldawg while giving his wife a ride in one of the resorts paddle boats. had 15 ft of line out, possible pattern? nothing else was working.

08-15-2010, 03:57 PM
Also had a neighbor last week say he lost a musky while "trolling" a spinnerbait with a bottom bouncer in front.
I informed him trolling was not permitted.

Tempus Fugit
08-15-2010, 05:17 PM
Clarification: Motor Trolling is not permitted, the paddleboat fish was legally caught.

Also had a neighbor last week say he lost a musky while "trolling" a spinnerbait with a bottom bouncer in front.
I informed him trolling was not permitted.