View Full Version : 100 foot law

lost another anchor
08-17-2010, 07:27 PM
Has anyone figured out where you need to back your motor down on the west side to conform with the 100 foot law or does one need to go buy a laser range finder (new toy -yes!) . I know there are more narrows on the east and i guess when in doubt go slow. From what i read on walleyemax the rangers have been marking the no wake zones for their personal reference -any thoughts

08-18-2010, 09:04 AM
I guess you just have to remember that your responsible for your wake. If someone is knocked overboard or is hurt or boat is damaged as a result of your wake you are responsible.
Often times I see boats slowing down at the last second creating a larger wake then if they would have kept there boat on plane.

Ty Sennett
08-23-2010, 09:19 AM
I'm not aware of any markers out there. I fished most of the lake yesterday and didn't see any marker buoys. I talked to Sue (area DNR agent) a few months back and she said it was going to be hard to regulate but Crane Creek and some of the other river channels are not included in the regulation. It's a stupid regulation if you ask me. I think something more reasonable like a twenty five mile an hour regulation in tight quarters would be more reasonable. There will be more shore damage from coming off plane than anything with the current regulation.

08-23-2010, 08:04 PM
Hi Ty,

I saw a warden at a boat landing a while back. He said they used laser range finders to check areas where there was doubt. They didn't put out markers, but rather just found areas and remembered them. Of interest, he said they checked Crane creek and if you stay in the middle, you were more than 100 feet from both shores.

I agree it's a dumb rule. Just like having to have a wearable life jacket. I don't know how to put it on, but I have the dumb thing. What next? seat belts and air bags? I always figured if I die fishing, It's a good thing.

